Webinoly v1.8.0
A lot awesome new features:
- [New] SMTP support with Postfix.
- [New] Support for custom (bring your own) SSL certs.
- [New] Command to add a single site to an existing wildcard SSL cert.
- [New] Command to renew and force-renewal SSL certs.
- [New] Command to change MySQL root/admin password.
- [New] Site List now have a RAW option to remove format and filter site list, now we include sites that are disabled.
- [New] List option for httpauth-whitelist and blockip, also support RAW.
- [New] RAW support for dbpass and httpauth user list.
- [New] Support for revoke option in SSL commands.
- [Improvement] PHP 5.6 and 7.0 support deprecated.
- [Improvement] Internal-API extended to all commands.
- [Improvement] Site delete and delete-all now have support to revoke SSL certs.
- [Improvement] Now ssl=off works even if site not exist, when an orphan-cert is found.
- [Improvement] Verify command now include orphan ssl certs detection.
- [Improvement] MySQL auto-generated password changed from 8 to 16 chars.
- [Improvement] When create a WP site in unattended mode now have support for auto-generate a random password.
- [Improvement] Delete-all sites option now have support to keep-db or to introduce an external-db password/user in command line to skip questions (unattended).
- [Improvement] By default now WP create site without asking for data.
- [Fixed] Verify command give error for Tools-Port when PHP is not installed.
- [Fixed] Verify command give error when default-site is set to blackhole or default.
- [Fixed] Info command showing wrong RAM and Swap.