For pulling and analyzing data from the Image-Comparator app.
cp .env_sample .env
- fill in your details
I set this up with pdm and if interested, here is how I make a venv and work:
pdm venv create --name image-comparator-analysis
pdm init # choose venv we created and tell it to import requirements.txt
#pdm install - should work after importing requirement.txt but it is not working now
# remove venv
pdm venv remove image-comparator-analysis
eval $(pdm venv activate image-comparator-analysis)
# Add packages
pdm add pandas
pdm add request
pdm add python-dotenv
pdm add matplotlib
pdm add networkx
pdm add scikit-learn
pdm remove sklearn
# "pycrumbs @ git+",
# "smmap==5.0.0",
# "pandas>=1.5.3",
# "python-dotenv>=1.0.0",
# "requests>=2.28.2",
# "setuptools>=67.6.0",
# "choix>=0.3.5",
Make your own branch
git branch new_branch
Checkout your branch
git checkout new_branch
Make changes and add
git add some_file
...other files
Commit changes for all edited files
git commit -m "a useful message"
Push changes to your new branch
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch
Merge changes to main branch
git checkout main
git pull
git merge new_branch
Delete your branch
git push origin --delete new_branch