Allows you to refill your health. A rewritten version of the plugin for the CS2 game on C#
- Metamod
- CounterStrikeSharp >= v233(tested here and 100% working)
- Move the contents of folder
- Configuration file will be generated after the plugin is launched in the folder
- PluginTag - chat tag of the plugin
- MinHealth - minimum HP, for the use of a medic [default: 40]
- Healthhealth - HP that will be restored after use [default: 100]
- Cost - the price of using a medic [default: 2000]
- ShowCall - show everyone in the chat that the player used a medic [default: true]
- MaxUse - number of heal uses per round [default: 2]
- AccessFlag - access flag for to use commands. Set empty to allow for all [default: @css/ban]
- HealSuccessSound - The path to the file being played after heal HP. Set empty for turn off this function [default: items/healthshot_success_01]
- HealFailureSound - The path to the file being played after failure heal HP. Set empty for turn off this function [default: buttons/blip2]