Easy to launch and highly configurable hashtopolis server on a Docker.
- docker run --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:5.7
- docker run -e H8_USER="your-admin" -e H8_PASS="your-password" -e H8_EMAIL="[email protected]" --link mysql:mysql -d -p 80:80 kpeiruza/hashtopolis
This is compatible with reading Docker Mysql environment variables, so you can even launch the service with a random username and password.
- docker run --name mydb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=PleaseChangeMe -d mysql:5.7
- docker run --link mydb:mysql -d -p 80:80 kpeiruza/hashtopolis
Supported environment configuration variables:
- MYSQL_HOST, defaults to mysql
- MYSQL_PORT, defaults 3306 <-- not working, fixed to 3306
- MYSQL_DB, defaults to Hashtopolis
- MYSQL_USER, you don't need it if you have the root password
- MYSQL_PASSWORD, cannot be unset if set MYSQL_USER.
- H8_USER, username for Hastopolis administrator account to be created on first run. <Defaults to a 256 char random string!!!>
- H8_PASS, password for Hashtopolis, <Defaults to a 256 char random string!!!>
- PHP_MAIL_HOST, smtp server, defaults to php.ini
- PHP_MAIL_PORT, smtp port, defaults to php.ini
- __PHP_MAIL__FROM, defaults to php.ini
Remember to map mysql's /var/lib/mysql for usage in production. Hashtopolis server's upload folders should be mapped as well.
- docker run --name mysql -v ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:5.7
- docker run -v ./import:/var/www/html/import -v ./files:/var/www/html/files -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -e H8_USER="admin" -e H8_PASS="admin" -e H8_EMAIL="[email protected]" --link mysql:mysql -d -p 80:80 kpeiruza/hashtopolis
Please provide feedback about any trouble encountered as well as your success deploying a farm of thousands of nodes :-)
Enjoy it!