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A Python module designed to simplify the rendering of markers in RViz and to support custom transform, animation, and other marker related features.


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RViz Marker Tools

QUT REF Collection License: GPL v3

Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group, Research Engineering Facility, Research Infrastructure Queensland University of Technology


The RViz mark tools is a ROS 1 (noetic) based Python module for simplifying the rendering of markers in RViz. Markers are primitive shapes or custom mesh objects displayed at specified poses. Here are common use cases of RViz markers.

  • Scene object visualization.
  • Highlighting regions, planes, orientations, and positions for planning and reference.
  • Object animation or simulation.

The method of rendering of markers in ROS 1 is by publishing a visualization_msgs.msg.Marker message to a topic subscribed by RViz. The population of an Marker object is tedious and there are subtle differences for different marker types. The RViz Marker Tools offers an easy-to-use programming interface for the management of marker rendering. For example, displaying a sphere at the position (1, 1, 1) is just one line of code after creating the core class of RVizVisualizer. The function create_sphere_marker is a helper function for creating a Marker object for a sphere, and the function rv.add_persistent_marker receives the object for RVizVisualizer as a persistent marker. The RVizVisualizer object is designed to publish the stored persistent marker objects regularly and to provide other marker related features.

MarkerArray, which is a message that can hold an array of Marker, offers more efficient rendering. The function rv.add_persistent_marker_array accepts a MarkerArray object and publish it persistently.

rv = RvizVisualizer()
rv.add_persistent_marker(create_sphere_marker(name='sphere', id=1, xyz=[1, 1, 1], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])) 

The full program can be found under the folder examples. Figure

Major features of the RVizVisualizer:

  • Manages markers and publish them at a customizable rate autonomously.
  • Supports publish-once markers (i.e. temporary markers) and publish-regularly markers (i.e. persistent markers).
  • Publishes transforms of a marker optionally.
  • Allows the removal of persistent markers.
  • Supports rendering of images as pointclouds.

Marker object creation functions supported in the rviz marker tools:

  • A plane object indicating an axis plane (xy, yz, or xz) given a 2D bounding box.
  • A 3D box object given a 3D bounding box.
  • A 3D box object given the position, orientation and dimension.
  • An arrow marker.
  • A line marker.
  • A path marker made up of multiple waypoints.
  • A sphere marker.
  • A cylinder marker.
  • A text marker.
  • An object marker specified by a mesh file.

Installation Guide

The rviz marker tools are defined mainly in the file under the module folder rviz_marker. It also depends on the supporting Python program files under the same folders.

There are two installation methods: as a part of source code or as a ROS package

Install as Python source code

Copy the folder rviz_marker to make it part of the project source code. Adjust the module import code according to where it is placed.

Install as a ROS Worksapce Package

Set it up as a package in a ROS workspace. This repository is already structured as a package named rviz_marker_tools. Clone this repository under the src folder of a workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:REF-RAS/rviz_marker_tools.git

Python Dependency

The rviz marker tools has been tested on Python 3.8 or above and ROS 1 noetic, and requires several Python modules.

pip install opencv_contrib_python rospkg

Setup RViz

On a RViz with default configurations, add to the Displays the visualizations of Marker, PointCloud2, and TF. Press the Add button at the bottom of the Displays panel and select the above visualizations from the list in the popup window.

Markers and pointclouds are sent via ROS messages under two topics. The default topic names are /visualization_marker and /visualization_cloud. Make sure the topic names are also specified as aforementioned in the display configuration tree in RViz. The default RViz configurations required are specified in the example.rviz file under rviz. To launch RViz using the configuration file, execute the following.

roslaunch rviz_marker_tools example.launch


The topics can be specified programmatically through the constructor of RVizVisualizer. Refer to examples/ as listed below.

rv = RvizVisualizer(topic_marker='rviz_marker', topic_cloud='rviz_cloud')

Programming Guide

The following examples assume that the rviz marker tools is installed as the rviz_marker module.

Adding a Persistent Marker

rospy.init_node('test_rv_node', anonymous=False)   

# create the RVizVisualizer 
rv = RvizVisualizer()
# add a sphere marker as a persistent marker to the RVizVisualizer
sphere_marker = create_sphere_marker(name='sphere', id=1, xyz=[1, 1, 1], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])


Before creating a RvizVisualizer object, the ros node must be initialized. The function create_sphere_marker returns a sphere marker object of the given attributes. The marker object is added to the RvizVisualizer object as a persistent marker.

A persistent marker gets published regularly so that its updated attributes can be reflected in the visualization.

The Namespace and the ID of Markers

The name and the id of a marker form a composite key that should be unique to a RViz scene. The name refers to the namespace, which can be controlled as a logical unit in RViz. One approach to naming the markers is to apply the same name to the same logical group of markers, each of which is assigned a different id.

# add a group of markers for 'work_area'
sphere_marker = create_sphere_marker(name='work_area', id=1, xyz=[1, 1, 1], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])
axis_marker = create_axisplane_marker(name='work_area', id=2, bbox2d=[-1, -1, 1, 1], offset=0, reference_frame='map', axes='xy', rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5])
arrow_marker = create_arrow_marker(name='work_area', id=3, xyzrpy=[1, 1, 1, 0, 3.14, 0], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.50, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])

The namespace work_area can be found under Namespaces and its visibility can be turned on and off as a group.


Set Publish Cycle Period of Persistent Markers

The publish cycle period can be changed using the parameter pub_rate. The following example sets the period to 0.4 seconds.

rv.add_persistent_marker(sphere_marker, pub_period=0.4)

However, the RvizVisualizer has a global lower period limit and the default is 1.0 second. To use a shorter period, the global limit has to be changed as well.

rv = RvizVisualizer(pub_period_marker=0.1)

The parameter pub_period_marker sets the lowest publish cycle to 0.1 second for markers.

Publish Transforms Messages for a Persistent Marker

Markers can represent certain objects in a planning scene and their tf transforms to other objects can be useful to modelling. The RvizVisualizer can also publish transforms for a persistent marker if the parameter pub_tf is set to True.

sphere_marker = create_sphere_marker(name='sphere', id=1, xyz=[1, 1, 1], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

rv.add_persistent_marker(sphere_marker, pub_tf=True)  

The name for the new transform is composed from the name and id of the marker, and in the above example, the transform name is sphere.1.

The new transform can be utilized as the reference frame of other markers.

# add a cube marker of which the pose is defined in the reference frame of 'sphere.1'
cube_marker = create_cube_marker_from_bbox(name='cube', id=1, bbox3d=[-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5], reference_frame='sphere.1', rgba=[0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5])    


Create and Publish a MarkerArray

A MarkerArray message accepts a list of Marker objects. An example of creating a grid of rectangles is shown below.

def create_marker_array(grid_dim:tuple, grid_cell_size:tuple, tile_size:tuple) -> MarkerArray:
    marker_array = MarkerArray()
    for x in range(grid_dim[0]):
        for y in range(grid_dim[1]):
            xyzrpy=[x * grid_cell_size[0], y * grid_cell_size[1], 0.0, 0, 0, 0]
            tile = create_cube_marker_from_xyzrpy('tile', x + y * grid_dim[0], xyzrpy, reference_frame='map', dimensions=[tile_size[0], 
            tile_size[1], tile_size[2]], rgba=[0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.5])
    return marker_array

The parameter grid_dim is a tuple specifying the number of grid cells in x and y direction respectively (i.e. (9, 3) creates a 9 x 3 grid). grid_cell_size specifies the size of each grid cell. A negative size is acceptable. The first marker is placed at the origin (0, 0). The sign indicates which side is the second marker with respect to the first. tile_size is the size of the cube marker.

Call add_persistent_marker_array to add the marker array object to the RViz tool for publishing.

# create the RVizVisualizer 
rv = RvizVisualizer()
# add a marker array
marker_array = create_marker_array((9, 3), (0.5, 0.5), (0.46, 0.46, 0.01))


The following code specifies a negative value for the x component of grid_cell_size. The grid is rotated as a result.

marker_array = create_marker_array((9, 3), (-0.5, 0.5), (0.46, 0.46, 0.01))


Basic Animation with a Loop

The continued publishing of markers makes it possible to create basic animation by changing their poses. The following example creates a sphere marker that get published every 0.1 second. In the for loop, the x position of the sphere marker is increasing and decreasing with time.

    # create the RVizVisualizer with a short publish cycle
    rv = RvizVisualizer(pub_period_marker=0.05)
    # add a sphere marker as a persistent marker to the RVizVisualizer
    sphere_marker = create_sphere_marker(name='sphere', id=1, xyz=[1, 1, 1], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])
    rv.add_persistent_marker(sphere_marker, pub_period=0.1) 

    # change the pose of the sphere marker in a loop for a basic animation
    dx = 0.1
    for i in range(100):
        pose = sphere_marker.pose
        dx = -dx if pose.position.x < 0.0 or pose.position.x > 3.0 else dx
        pose.position.x += dx  # change the x position


Adding a Temporary Marker

A temporary marker will get published once only by the RvizVisualizer. Use the function pub_temporary_marker

for i in range(5):
    rv.pub_temporary_marker(create_sphere_marker(name='sphere', id=i, xyz=[1 + i * 0.2, 1, 1], reference_frame='map', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]))

If the namespace sphere is turned off and then turn back on again, the spheres will not reappear because the markers are no longer published.

Set Lifetime of Temporary Markers

A use case of temporary marker is to specify the lifetime, which is the time before it will become disappeared. The following example creates 10 line markers, and their lifetime ranges from 0 to 9 second. A lifetime of 0 means it will not disappeared.

for i in range(10):
    rv.pub_temporary_marker(create_line_marker(name='line', id=i, xyz1=[i * 0.5, 0, 0], xyz2=[i * 0.5, 1, 0], reference_frame='map',
                                                line_width=0.02, rgba=[1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], lifetime=rospy.Duration(i))) 


Adding Custom Transforms

The function add_custom_tf is used to instruct RvizVisualizer to publish a custom transform. The following example adds a transform workspace from map. The sphere marker is specified in the new reference frame workspace.

transform_pose = Pose()
transform_pose.position = Point(1, 1, 1)
transform_pose.orientation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)
rv.add_custom_tf('workspace', 'map', transform_pose)
# add a sphere marker as a persistent marker to the RVizVisualizer
sphere_marker = create_sphere_marker(name='sphere', id=1, xyz=[0.5, 0, 0], reference_frame='workspace', dimensions=0.20, rgba=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])


Adding Images as PointClouds

In addition to markers, RvizVisualizer also supports the publishing of images as PointCloud2 messages. The helper function create_pointcloud_from_image has made creating the complex PointCloud2 messages a easy task.

# display image as pointcloud
image_bgr = cv2.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../docs/assets/CoralFish.png'))
pc2_message = create_pointcloud_from_image(image_bgr, (0, 0.5, 0), pixel_physical_size=[0.002, 0.002, -1], reference_frame='map')
rv.add_pointcloud('the_image', pc2_message)


Make sure that the Rviz has included PointCloud2 in the display, and the topics and other settings are as below.


Mesh Object Markers

The helper function create_mesh_marker provides a convenient way to create a marker based on a mesh STL or DOE file. The location of the mesh file is to be specified as the parameter file_uri. The function accepts several formats. Assuming that the full path to the mesh file is as below, which is in a ROS package under a workspace.


The acceptable formats includes the following.

  • Full path: /home/qcr/catkin_ws/src/rviz_marker_tools/docs/assets/UTahTeapot.stl
  • Local path under the package: rviz_marker_tools/docs/assets/UTahTeapot.stl
  • The file protocol: file:///home/qcr/catkin_ws/src/rviz_marker_tools/docs/assets/UTahTeapot.stl
  • The package protocol: package://rviz_marker_tools/docs/assets/UtahTeapot.stl

Note that the file location must be accessible by RViz if the above formats are specified if RViz is running on another computer.

The RVizVisualizer Config Parameters

The following table lists the config parameters of RVizVisualizer.

Parameters Remarks Default
pub_period_marker The shortest period cycle of publishing markers 1.0 second
pub_period_cloud The shortest period cycle of publishing point clouds 1.0 second
topic_marker The topic name to which markers are published /visualization_marker
topic_cloud The topic name to which pointclouds are published /visualization_cloud
pub_temp_marker_delay The length of delay publishing temporary markers 0.2 seconds

API Reference

Refer to the RViz Marker Tools Programming Reference for the API reference of RViz Marker Tools.


Dr Andrew Lui, Senior Research Engineer
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Research Engineering Facility
Research Infrastructure
Queensland University of Technology

Latest update: May 2024


A Python module designed to simplify the rendering of markers in RViz and to support custom transform, animation, and other marker related features.








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