This readme consists of notes from a personal study on constructing valid BIP39 mnemonic phrases for use in Bitcoin wallet recovery. I have learned much of this material from: and give them full credit for their detailed explaination which exists in few places online.
A mnemonic phrase is an ordered set of 12-24 words used to generate a memorable phrase used for Bitcoin wallet recovery.
In general many bitcoin wallets follow the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP 39) to generate these phrases.
The words in the seed phrase are constructed from a range of 12 to 24 of the 2048 words found here: The order of this list matters, each word is tied to its line number in the list.
Phrase generation relies on entropy (generation of a random number. i.e. in this case the generation of a random set of 128-256 bits.
This binary number is broken into sections 11 bits long, with an odd number of bits left to generate the 12th word.
The LAST word in the phrase is generated by hashing the entire string of bits, taking the first character and turning that back into four bit binary. This is then recombined with the other 7 bits to make up the full twelth word.
The binary numbers in each slot are then converted over to decimal, and these decimal numbers are used to putl from are list of 2048 words.
Lets review the method by which valid mnemonic is generated:
To generate our seed phrase we need a binary number, a number consisting of only 0s and 1s. Each 1 or 0 is known as a bit.
We will generate a large random number that will then be used to select our words.
The BIP39 standard states that the random number we generate should be 128 bits long for a 12 word phrase, up to 256 bits long for a 24 word phrase. Lets focus on a 12 word seed phrase as an example.
Using Python lets write a function to do this (note in the real world we should avoid the use of the random library, because generally they are not always truly random, generating true entropy can be difficult):
import random
def generate_random_binary(length):
binary = ""
for _ in range(length):
bit = random.choice(["0", "1"])
binary += bit
return binary
random_binary = generate_random_binary(128)
When running our example this resulted in a random binary number 128 bits long. That's 128 individual 0s 1s making up our number.
*You will hear the term entropy used when referring to this, it just means we generated a random number. Ideally this number is large enough that it is difficult to guess and collision are unlikely to occur when reselecting that number.
*A 128-bit number has 2^128, two to the power of one hundred twenty-eight possible combinations that is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456.
Now we need to chop up our binary number into sections 11 bits long. *In binary a number 11 bits long will convert to any decimal number between 1 and 2048. Keep that in mind for use in selecting our words here in a minute.
list_binary_numbers = [random_binary[i:i+11] for i in range(0, len(random_binary), 11)]
This results in the following list of binary numbers 11 bits long, with the exception of the last number which we are going to use here in a minute to generate our entropy:
Notice that the last set of bits in our list is not a full 11 bits long. That last entry is special, we are going to save that for our last step.
We must now convert each set of 11 bits to a binary number between 1 and 2047.
To do this we iterate over our list, grab an entry, calculate the decimal equivalent and insert it into a new list called list_decimal_numbers:
#define a list to store our decimal numbers
list_decimal_numbers = []
#for each binary number we generated in our list
for each_binary_number in list_binary_numbers:
#convert the binary number to decimal
each_decimal_number = int(each_binary_number, 2)
#add it to a new list of decimal numbers
#lets take the 12th item in our list, which is numbered 11 (lists start at 0) we are going to update that to a ? mark right now
list_decimal_numbers[11] = '?'
The results look like this:
Ok we almost have the index of the words we need from the BIP39 word list but two more steps. We need to deal with that last set of binary numbers thats only 7 bits long, thats in the next step...
How do we get the last 4 bits to make it into 11 bits for the binary number at position 11 in the list?
This step is broken down into a numer of sub-steps as follows...
First we take our original entropy number those 128-bits and we run it through the sha-256 hash algorithm.
random_binary = "01100000011111100011001001111101100111101001110001110001001001011010000110010110100110001100111111011011010100111011010001011110"
import hashlib
import binascii
hexstr = "{0:0>4X}".format(int(random_binary,2))
data = binascii.a2b_hex(hexstr)
sha_result = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
The sha-256 hash algorithm resulted in the hexadecimal:
Taking the first character "f" we convert this back to 4 bit binary.
# convert the whole sha_result back to binary
binary_number = bin(int(sha_result, 16))[2:].zfill(256)
# Extract the first 4 bits
four_bit_number = binary_number[:4]
The result for character "f" is: 1111
Remember split our binary numbers up into 11-bit blocks and placed them in a list, but we were left with those 7 binary numbers in the 11th place on our list:
Well we now need to take those 4 bits from the previous step and tag them on the end of the 7 bits back in the 11th position of our original list of binary numbers "list_binary_numbers".
#append this onto our list entry
list_binary_numbers[11] = list_binary_numbers[11] + four_bit_number
We may as well grab the value out of the 11th place in "list_binary_numbers" and add on our last four bits: 1011110 and 1111 resulting in 10111101111 our final 11 bit number.
#finally convert this to decimal and put it in the 11 place in our list of decimals replacing the questions mark "?"
#convert the binary number to decimal
final_decimal_number = int(list_binary_numbers[11], 2)
#add it to a new list of decimal numbers
list_decimal_numbers[11] = final_decimal_number
This final result comes up with our complete list of decimal numbers, the first 11 and our last caculated number.
[771, 1932, 1275, 489, 1592, 1174, 1074, 1688, 1662, 1748, 1896, 1519]
But wait one more piece, since we since representing each 11 bits as a number between 0 and 2047 and the BIP39 wordlist starts at 1 instead of 0) we must add one to each number to get its positional number.
Lets quickly iterate over our list and do this:
#iterate over array and add 1 to each number to get proper positions
for number in range(len(list_decimal_numbers)):
list_decimal_numbers[number] = list_decimal_numbers[number] + 1
Our original: [771, 1932, 1275, 489, 1592, 1174, 1074, 1688, 1662, 1748, 1896, 1519]
Becomes: [772, 1933, 1276, 490, 1593, 1175, 1075, 1689, 1663, 1749, 1897, 1520]
Make a cup of coffee its time for our final step!
This step is very straightforward.
Grab the BIP39 wordlist from here, save it in raw format to a file named bip39.txt:
We are going to read the contents of the BIP39 wordlist into a dictionary one line at a time, we are going to insert the line numher of each word as the first entry in the dictionary, this is so we maintain the line numbering from the BIP39 wordlist:
def read_file_into_dictionary(filename):
data_dict = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
data_dict[line_number] = line.strip()
return data_dict
# read the wordlist into our dictionary
filename = 'bip39.txt'
bip39_dictionary = read_file_into_dictionary(filename)
Ok lets iterate over out list of numbers and extract the correct values from the corresponding entry in our dictionary:
def retrieve_entries(dictionary, numbers):
seed_phrase = []
for number in numbers:
if number in dictionary:
return seed_phrase
#returns a list with our final seed phrase in it
final_result = retrieve_entries(bip39_dictionary, list_decimal_numbers)
In our case we generated:
'gather', 'various', 'panda', 'diamond', 'shove', 'name', 'main', 'spread', 'sound', 'surround', 'unfair', 'sadness'
Finally we can proove we got a valid seed phrase by generating a bitcoin address using the Ian Coleman's excellent Menomic Code Coverter at:
As we need to generate a 128-256 bit number to make our seed phrase, the only way to reasonably bruteforce a wallet would be to generate all possible combinations of that initial binary number.
If we focus on 12 word phrases alone we have said that our 128-bit number can have 2^128 or 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 possible combinations. That's a lot of numbers to check.
On top of this there are various ways to derive a bitcoin address from the initial seed. These methods will make up part of my next investigation.
The python file included in this repo consolidates much of the code in the examples and enables someone testing to generate a binary number and then pass this into a function to generate the seed.
Just run the included python and its accompanything txt file to generate a randmom binary numnber and resulting seed phrase.