Settings of inverter video:
Auto loading KIWATT inverter 10,0kW with ANWB Energie Dynamic Contract | lowest prices ENTSO-e (API) | to forcast production today
I've installed a Kiwatt inverter and two 10kWh batteries:
ANWB Dynamic Energy Contract, hourly prices.
Goal is to set this load table in the inverter
Let's start with a dongle connected to the inverter
It's a 'stick logger', my best friend google told me it is a SOFAR, SOLARMAN LS4G-3. Here is a manual (in dutch) found the default user and password (admin/admin)
After connecting the logger to my local network it aumatically connected to a remote server. It connects to you can create an account and based on the serial nummer of the logger (security issue!!) you can read al kinds of data. Inverter Type:Three phase LV Hybrid! This learned me that my inverter is also sold as Deye and Sunsynk. Interesting; goal number 2, block external connection. Google a bit more and I found the config page. http://x.x.x.x/config_hide.html here you can remove or change the remote server settings.
After a quick portscan: 8899. A modbus interface, found a library: with great documentation!
Now we need to find the modbus documentation of our inverter. Scanning the registry with pysolarmanv5 showed me the registers 0-900 and 10000-20000 are used. Also discoverd the SOC (battery percentage) as register 588. Eventually i used to read all values to a home assistent setup. Reading is fine but i needed to write the registers! Used the config file form StephanJoubert: deye_sg04lp3.yaml and a lot of googling later a found a word doc in a forum with the documentation.
With the registers I needed:
pysolarmanv5 test code:
""" Scan Modbus registers to find valid registers"""
from pysolarmanv5 import PySolarmanV5
import requests
def main():
modbus = PySolarmanV5(
"x.x.x.x", 2713xxxxxx, port=8899, mb_slave_id=1, verbose=0
print(modbus.read_holding_registers(register_addr=148, quantity=6))
print(modbus.read_holding_registers(register_addr=166, quantity=6))
"""Enable grid charge"""
print(modbus.read_holding_registers(register_addr=172, quantity=6))
"""set time 1"""
modbus.write_multiple_holding_registers(register_addr=148, values=[100, 300, 900, 1300, 1800, 2100])
print(modbus.read_holding_registers(register_addr=148, quantity=6))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Now all I needed was an API with the price forcast. Helped me to find ENTSO-e.
And ofcourse there is a library:
My script can now:
- Download an XML with day_ahead_prices.
- find the lowest prices (3 hours to load all 20kWh)
- programm the inverter to load from grid.
Added PV functions
- calculate battery load based on forcast production today
- check if battery needs to load before first cheapest loadpoint, find cheapest point before battery is empty
pip install pysolarmanv5
pip install entsoe-py
pip install beautifulsoup4
copy config copy.json to config.json (set your data)
Used a cronjob to load the script @xx:59 and telegram to send me an update...