The Local List repository allows the user to search by any city, once the search button is hit, the user will be presented with the a 5 day forecast as well as all the live events that are happening in the city of choice.
The goal of this project is to:
- Create a dynamic webpage displaying the current weather
- Use a weather API to find weather from the inputted city
- Display the search results from local storage to the webpage
- Use Ticketmaster API to showcase live events that are taking place
- Incorporate a CSS framework(Tailwind) for styling
The motivation is to create a functional dashboard for users to find events for cities they are visiting or living in and too see a snapshot of the weather forecast to help users make the best decision on which event to attend.
To use project locally, follow these steps:
Clone repository to local machine
Open 'index.html' in your web browser
Click on input text area and enter a city
Once the search button is hit, the searched cities five day forecast will display as well as a list of live events in the area.
Follow deployed link for full access The Local List