Library for computing various special functions (such as Gamma, Hypergeometric, Bessel,
incomplete Beta, etc.) with complex arguments. While other libraries only accept a few
arguments to be complex (or none), cmpx_spfunc
provides functions whose arguments are
all defined in terms of complex values (this sometimes requires analytic continuation).
For the compilation, the code relies on meson and ninja. To install meson and ninja, just run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, cmpx_spfunc
relies on a third party C++ library
Thanks to meson, compiling the code is straightforward:
git clone
cd cmpx-spfunc
meson setup builddir
cd builddir
meson compile
This will generate an executable called test_spfunc
. Then, to run the code,
just type the followinc command:
Every time changes are made, the code can be re-compiled by just running meson compile
inside the builddir
Finally, in case one wants to install the header files and library system-wide, this can be done by running the following:
meson install
This, by default, will install the header files in /{prefix}/include/cmpx_spfunc
add cmp_spfunc.pc
to the PKG path.