This is an experimental setup for armhf multiarch support on Arch Linux Arm (alarm) using the ArchLinuxCN repo. Only basic programs and a few games run currently. This method still uses a 32bit environment, but only as a runtime folder for 32bit libraries since alarm isn't originally setup for multiarch. Some pacakges & PKGBUILDS are provided for easy of use, others are pulled from their repo. If you have and insight, suggestions, or scripts to make this better, please share.
This guide will require basic terminal usage.
git clone /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming && cd /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming
Choose text editor: export EDITOR=vim
or export EDITOR=nano
Add repo:
Server =$arch
to your /etc/pacman.conf. sudo $EDITOR /etc/pacman.conf
Then import PGP Keys:
sudo pacman -Sy archlinuxcn-keyring
Say yes when prompted. This will fail. This is expected. Due to a developer's retirement, newly installed systems need to manually trust farseerfc's key:
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key "[email protected]"
Then run sudo pacman -Sy archlinuxcn-keyring
Use your package manager to install dependancies:
sudo pacman -S arch-install-scripts arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-fortran arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-libs arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-objc arm-linux-gnueabihf-glibc arm-linux-gnueabihf-linux-api-headers
Pacstrap a 32bit environment to use as a runtime: (This is for Box86 to run applicatioins beyond itself and Undertale)
Use pacstrap
from arch-install-scripts
to setup a 32bit runtime:
sudo pacstrap -C ./etc/pacman.conf /opt/armv7h base base-devel chromium pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse
Use this pacstrap command to add more package/libraries to the runtime when needed later on. sudo pacstrap -C /opt/armv7h/etc/pacman.conf /opt/armv7h PACKAGES
Use can also use sudo arch-chroot /opt/armv7h/
to chroot into the runtime and manage for there with pacman
NOTE: Only append this when running software that requires 32bit libraries, DO NOT EXPORT
Add MultiArch to /etc/
sudo cp -r /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming/etc/* /etc/ && sudo ldconfig
sudo ln -s /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/ /lib/
Optional, add /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin
For programs that require 32bit libgl mesa, we need to add 32bit driver to LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
This can be added to ~/.bashrc
or .bash_profile
for ease of use.
Box64 is in the ArchLinuxCN repo. sudo pacman -S box64-git
or Manually compile PKGBUILD:
git clone /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming/box64 && cd /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming/box64/pkgbuilds && cp -r ./PKGBUILD-arm64 ./PKGBUILD && makepkg --syncdeps -i
Box86 need to manually compile PKGBUILD:
git clone /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming/box86 && cd /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming/box86/pkgbuilds && cp -r ./PKGBUILD-arm64 ./PKGBUID && makepkg --syncdeps -i
After both are setup, run a test:
box64 --help
box86 --help
Manually compile modifed Steam PKGBUILD:
cd /home/$USER/alarm-multiarch-gaming/steam-arm64 && makepkg --syncdeps -i
After succesfull install: