Hangman is a classic word game in which a player has to guess a random word letter by letter within a certain number of guesses. This project is created using Python and Streamlit for the web interface.
URL: https://hangman-game-pythongit.streamlit.app/
- Difficulty Levels: A user can choose from three difficulty levels (Easy, Medium and Hard) based on their preference.
- Word Meaning: A fun learning experience as the user can explore the definition for each word after winning or losing the game.
- Feedback: The game provides visual feedback, including notifications for correct or incorrect guesses and hangman art.
- Dynamic Gameplay: Random words are selected from predefined lists.
- Interactive: Interactive web interface using Streamlit
- Python
- Streamlit
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/RahemShakeel/Hangman-Game-Python.git
- Install the required package
pip install streamlit
To run this project locally execute the following command
streamlit run main.py
- Push your Hangman game code to a new GitHub repository.
- Go to Streamlit Community Cloud and sign up or log in with your GitHub account.
- Click on "Create App" and select your GitHub repository.
- Configure the main file path to main.py and click "Deploy".
- This project is built with Streamlit for easy deployment and interactivity.