Generator for random SAT instances as proposed in the paper Towards industrial-like random SAT instances (IJCAI 2009) by Carlos Ansótegui, Maria Luisa Bonet, and Jordi Levy. This generator has been used for generating the experimental results in the papers Phase Transitions for Scale-Free SAT Formulas (AAAI 2017) by Tobias Friedrich, Anton Krohmer, Ralf Rothenberger, and Andrew M. Sutton and Bounds on the Satisfiability Threshold for Power Law Distributed Random SAT (ESA 2017) by Tobias Friedrich, Anton Krohmer, Ralf Rothenberger, Thomas Sauerwald, and Andrew M. Sutton.
Just call
> make
No configuration or specifics needed.
The generator can generate three kinds of instances.
- Random k-SAT: The classical model, where each k-clause is drawn with uniform probability.
- Power-Law k-SAT: One of the new models proposed by Ansótegui et al., where the variables for each k-clause are drawn according to a power-law probability distribution.
- Double Power Law: Another new model proposed by Ansótegui et al., where clause lengths are drawn according to a power-law distribution. Then variables per clause are drawn according to a (possibly different) power-law probability distribution.
> CreateSAT -g p -v 100 -c 426 -k 3 -p 2.5 -f test -u 1
Creates a random 3-CNF with 100 variables and 426 clauses. Variable frequencies are power-law distributed with power-law exponent 2.5 Variables are unique per clause. Formula is written in cnf format to test.cnf in the base directory.
-g d|p|u
choose between power-law distributed variables (p) or double power-law (d) or uniform (u)
-v <number of variables>
-c <number of clauses / scaling factor>
-k <clause length>
for double power-law this is the average clause length
-p <power-law exponent of variables>
-b <power-law exponent of clauses>
only for double power-law
-f <output file>
in cnf-format, the ending will be added automatically
-u 0|1
should variables be unique per clause(1) or not(0)
start quietly
seed value (int), system time is used if none is given