AltDrag 1.38
GUI changed: Mouse and Keyboard are now separated tabs and contain more options. All the new options should be available. Have a look! Translation is supported but not updated outside of FR and IT.
New: You can now invert the behavior of the shift key for double-right-click action (Resize) that aerosnaps or extends windows borders to monitor depending on the state of the Shift key. See the advanced tab.
New: You can now set the Hotclicks variable in the [Input] section of the ini file to add the mouse buttons as hotkeys (hence the Hotclick name). In the case the mouse button is also mapped to an action, the action will be performed on a single click. For example you can set MB4=Move, MB5=Resize and Hotclicks=80 81 and the mouse 4/5 button will respectively Move/Resize the window without needing to press any other button or key. In all cases this click will not be usable for anything else than AltDrag. Action suggested by displayerror.
New Hotkey combo is now available. Set KeyCombo=1 in the [Input] section of AltDrag.ini and you will need to press two of the hotkeys in order to activate AltDrag. This was suggested by MarqueIV.
New: The keyboard can now be used to activate AltDrag without clicking. For example set GrabWithAlt=Move in the [Input] section of AltDrag.ini. Press Alt and the pointed window will directly be moved wen moving the mouse without requiring a click. You can set any other action. I advise to use a hotkey combo for this feature or to use a very useless key on your keyboard. Action suggested by pixelbase.
New: A key can be set to toggle between move and resize action. it can be used in order to have a single click configuration that will turn into the other action when pressing this key. This later can be set with the ToggleRsMvKey in the [Input] section of AltDrag.ini. You can set it to A2 for example and have Ctrl+Alt+LClic => Resize instead of Move. Leave it empty if you do not want this feature. Only one key can be specified. It can also be combined with a hotkey. You could for example use Alt+LClick to move and Win+LClick to resize with a single instance of AltDrag.
New: The Ctrl key can be presses and released when a hotkey is on in order to prevent AltDrag from grabbing a window. Exemple: Alt+Clicl => Move window with AltDrag. Alt+Ctrl_down+Ctrl_up+Click Will be like a Simple Alt+Click without AltDrag running.
- Removed PearceDBClick option that was buggy and is now mostly unnecessary.
Fixed: Now the doubleclick actions will check that the same button/key was used for both clicks.
Fixed: Ctrl delay problem. Now Alt+Ctrl should not need to wait for the keyboard auto-repeat delay. It was a stupid bug sorry for that...
Fixed potential bug in the hook chain.
Changed the cursor window no longer capture the input as it should not be necessary and may lead to some bugs. The cursor code was also made a bit more conservative.