Speedrunning and dark mode patch by RandomDude based on Patch 2 of Universal Paperclip. The game mechanics/logic has not been changed in order to keep timing compatible with the original version.
You can play this version of the game directly on: https://randomdude4.github.io/UniversalPaperclips/
All credit to the original creator Frank Lantz, source code and original game from https://decisionproblem.com/paperclips/
- Improved compatibility with mobile or small screens.
- Increased readability of the html code.
- Various small improvement and fixes.
- Dark mode + slight change to fonts and inverted color of the quantum computing boxes.
- Added extra digits (0.01 s) to the printed messages relating to time (e.g. when you finish the game).
- Added clock to top right corner with in-game-time (IGT).
- Made sure the "game" does not start until a button is pressed (IGT and calculations are paused until a button is pressed).
- Added reset function if the clock is pressed (asks if you want to reset current universe and/or prestige)
- Made it possible to play on mobile in the browser, but it may be slow or look wierd depending on the device.
- Removed ads and links to the mobile version of the game.
- Removed all privacy/tracking code, such as google analytics.
- Added a few extra rows to the console.
- Minor visual bug fixes to the original code