- 🖥️ Utopia cli
- 🔗 Create react related framework
- ✨ Optimized precache
- 🔥 Support the quick create components, hooks, provider...
- 🌏 Download template form githup remote repo
- typescript
- ejs
- prompts
- yargs
- git-clone
- download
- execa
- tsup
├── ejs ejs template
├── src source code
├────── commands commands folder
├────── config config folder
├────── options options folder
├────── prompt prompt folder
├────── tasks tasks folder
├────── typing typing folder
├────── utils utils folder
├────── index.ts index file
├── .editorconfig vscode editor config
├── .gitignore gitignore
├── .prettierignore prettier ignore
├── .prettierrc.cjs prettier config
├── package.json package.json
├── README.md README docs
├── tsconfig.json tsconfig
├── tsup.config.ts tsup config
repository The shorthand repository string to download the repository from:
GitHub - github:owner/name or simply owner/name GitLab - gitlab:owner/name Bitbucket - bitbucket:owner/name The repository parameter defaults to the master branch, but you can specify a branch or tag as a URL fragment like owner/name#my-branch. In addition to specifying the type of where to download, you can also specify a custom origin like gitlab:custom.com:owner/name. Custom origin will default to https or git@ for http and clone downloads respectively, unless protocol is specified. Feel free to submit an issue or pull request for additional origin options.
In addition to having the shorthand for supported git hosts, you can also hit a repository directly with:
Direct - direct:url This will bypass the shorthand normalizer and pass url directly. If using direct without clone, you must pass the full url to the zip file, including paths to branches if needed. If using direct with clone, you must pass the full url to the git repo and you can specify a branch like direct:url#my-branch.
npm publish --access public
Compatibility Note: @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app requires Node.js version 18+, 20+. However, some templates require a higher Node.js version to work, please upgrade if your package manager warns about it.
With NPM:
npm install @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app -g
With Yarn:
yarn install @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app -g
With PNPM:
pnpm add @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app -g
Then follow the prompts!
You can also directly specify the project name and the template you want to use via additional command line options. For example, to scaffold a Vite / Next.js project, run:
# create nextjs project
npm create @utopia-theme/utopia-appi create-next my-nextjs-app
# create vite project
yarn create @utopia-theme/utopia-app create-vite my-vite-app
# pnpm vite project
pnpm create @utopia-theme/utopia-app create-nest my-nextjs-app
Currently supported template presets include:
(supported in v0.1.0)nextjs-mui-styled-app
(supported in v0.1.0)vite-antd-styled-http
You can use .
for the project name to scaffold in the current directory.
# 查看npmrc
cat ~/.npmrc
# npm
npm install @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app -g
# yarn
yarn install @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app -g
# pnpm
pnpm add @utopia-theme/create-utopia-app -g
# 使用命令
# or
Usage: utopia-cli <command> [options]
utopia-cli create-next [name] create a react app base on nextjs
utopia-cli create-vite [name] create a react app base on vite
utopia-cli generate <schematic> [name] generate some react resource
Dev Options:
-d, --debug Boostrap debug mode [boolean]
Extra Options:
-c, --command Show all currently available command [boolean]
-r, --registry Define global registry [boolean]
-l, --list Show all currently available template [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
_ _ _ _
_ _| |_ ___ _ __ (_) __ _ ___| (_)
| | | | __/ _ \| '_ \| |/ _` |_____ / __| | |
| |_| | || (_) | |_) | | (_| |_____| (__| | |
\__,_|\__\___/| .__/|_|\__,_| \___|_|_|
Run utopia-cli <command> --help for detailed usage of given command.