New features
- New timeline for mentions. You reach it with
:timeline mentions
or settingtimelines=mentions
in your config. - New command
and leaders withmove-window-*
where the asterisk is the direction. - New command and leader
- New leader
that let's you go to a timeline if it already exists, if it doesn't it will open the timeline in a new window. The syntax is almost the same as intimelines
. From the config:
# Syntax for switch:
# leader-action=switch feed,shortcut,[name],[showBoosts],[showReplies]
# showBoosts can be either true or false and they are both optional. Here are
# some examples:
# leader-action=switch home,h,false,true
# leader-action=switch tag tut,tt
Bug fixes
- Don't crash tut if a timeline is empty
- showBoosts and showReplies didn't work correctly if name was empty
- You should still be able to use
Binary notes
The only build I'm able to test is tut-amd64, but I've compiled for some more architectures. They're targeting Linux. If you want some other architecture or OS you can open an issue.
GLIBC error
If you get an GLIBC_x.xx error, try the static builds instead