const ratneshTiwari = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
Iam : ["Software Developer", "Mern Stack Developer", "Competitive Programmer"],
code: ["C/C++", "Javascript", "CSS", "Python", "R", "Typescript"],
toolsAndTech: ["React", "ExpressJS", "Nodejs", "RShiny", "Docker", "Kubernetes", "CI/CD pipelines", "Mongo DB", "SQL"],
techWork: {
"Competitive Programming": "Solving Problems",
experience: {
"Invesco": "Engineer",
"Coding Ninjas": "Problem Setter, Internship",
"Valorant Consulting": "Software Development, Internship",
workedOn: {
"Invesco": "R, R Shiny, CSS, PDF exports",
"Coding Ninjas": "Problem setting, Data Structures, Algorithms, Code Studio platform",
"Valorant Consulting": "React, Client Efficiency Boost",
"DevCart - E-commerce": "React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Redux, CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes",
"Ping Chat - Realtime Chat": "PUSHER, React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, CSS, JS, HTML, JWT, Google OAuth, Crypto encryption",
"Insta - Social Media": "React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, JS, Multimedia posts, likes, comments, friend-based chat, user profiles, feeds",
achievements: {
"ICPC Contest": "AIR-67 in Kanpur 2022, AIR-56 in Kanpur-Mathura 2021",
"Google Contest": "AIR - 414 in Google Hash Code 2022",
"Google Code Jam": "Round 1 Qualifier 2021",
"Meta Hacker Cup Round 2": "Rank-2313",
"Newton School Contest": "Rank-128",
"Code Kaze Round": "Rank-207",
"LeetCode": "Rating 1937",
"CodeForces": "Rating 1729",
"CodeChef": "Rating 1995",
technicalSkills: {
"Programming languages": "C++, C, Javascript, R",
"Database": "Mongo DB Basics, SQL Basics",
"Web Technologies": "React, ExpressJS, Nodejs, RShiny",
"DevOps": "Basics of Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines",
"Soft Skills": "Leadership, Collaboration, Problem-solving, Adaptability, Initiative and Proactivity",
profiles: {
"CodeForces": "ratnesh_tiwari",
"CodeChef": "tiwari_ratnesh",
"LeetCode": "ratnesh_tiwari",
"GFG": "rktssgk",
"GitHub": "Ratnesh4193",
"LinkedIn": "ratnesh-kumar-tiwari",
challenge: "Currently I'm focused on Frontend development, microservices and system design.",
🌱 Currently learning Web3!
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything related to Web3, microservices, and Frontend.