Pure functional implimentation.
Should be easy to follow the implementation and extend.
- Parse SVG file to Python List representing SVG paths
- Generate list of 2D points from SVG paths
- Convert SVG relative paths to absolute representation
Hosted on PyPI
pip install mountain-svgpath
import svgpath
python_logo = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<path d="M11.298,8.02c1.295-0.587,1.488-5.055,0.724-6.371c-0.998-1.718-5.742-1.373-7.24-0.145
c0,0,0.175-1.736,0.481-2.606C5.198,7.073,9.168,8.986,11.298,8.02z M6.375,3.465c-0.542,0-0.981-0.439-0.981-0.982
<path d="M13.12,4.691c0,0-0.125,1.737-0.431,2.606c-0.945,2.684-4.914,0.772-7.045,1.738
c0-0.006,2.317-0.013,2.317-0.013C17.947,12.53,18.245,4.691,13.12,4.691z M10.398,13.42c0.542,0,0.982,0.439,0.982,0.982
tree = svgpath.parse(python_logo)
for path, start, end in tree:
print(f"Path: {start}-{end}")
for token in path:
print("\t", token)
Path: 72-500
['M', '11.298', '8.02']
['c', '1.295', '-0.587', '1.488', '-5.055', '0.724', '-6.371']
['c', '-0.998', '-1.718', '-5.742', '-1.373', '-7.24', '-0.145']
['C', '4.61', '2.114', '4.628', '3.221', '4.636', '4.101']
['h', '4.702']
['v', '0.412']
['H', '4.637']
['c', '0', '0.006', '-2.093', '0.013', '-2.093', '0.013']
['c', '-3.609', '0', '-3.534', '7.838', '1.228', '7.838']
['c', '0', '0', '0.175', '-1.736', '0.481', '-2.606']
['C', '5.198', '7.073', '9.168', '8.986', '11.298', '8.02']
['M', '6.375', '3.465']
['c', '-0.542', '0', '-0.981', '-0.439', '-0.981', '-0.982']
['c', '0', '-0.542', '0.439', '-0.982', '0.981', '-0.982']
['c', '0.543', '0', '0.982', '0.44', '0.982', '0.982']
['C', '7.358', '3.025', '6.918', '3.465', '6.375', '3.465']
Path: 515-944
['M', '13.12', '4.691']
['c', '0', '0', '-0.125', '1.737', '-0.431', '2.606']
['c', '-0.945', '2.684', '-4.914', '0.772', '-7.045', '1.738']
['C', '4.35', '9.622', '4.155', '14.09', '4.92', '15.406']
['c', '0.997', '1.719', '5.741', '1.374', '7.24', '0.145']
['c', '0.172', '-0.609', '0.154', '-1.716', '0.146', '-2.596']
['H', '7.603']
['v', '-0.412']
['h', '4.701']
['c', '0', '-0.006', '2.317', '-0.013', '2.317', '-0.013']
['C', '17.947', '12.53', '18.245', '4.691', '13.12', '4.691']
['M', '10.398', '13.42']
['c', '0.542', '0', '0.982', '0.439', '0.982', '0.982']
['c', '0', '0.542', '-0.44', '0.981', '-0.982', '0.981']
['s', '-0.981', '-0.439', '-0.981', '-0.981']
['C', '9.417', '13.859', '9.856', '13.42', '10.398', '13.42']
Breaking relative dependence between SVG tokens.
Allows for the partial display of an SVG path.
from svgpath import (
# expand generator of generators (needed to compare generator outputs)
paths = [[token for token in path] for path in tree_to_paths(tree)]
apaths = [[token for token in path] for path in absolute_paths(paths)]
for i, (path, apath) in enumerate(zip(paths, apaths)):
print(f"Path: {i}")
for token, atoken in zip(path, apath):
print(f" {token} {atoken}")
Path: 0
['M', '11.298', '8.02'] ['M', '11.298', '8.02']
['c', '1.295', '-0.587', '1.488', '-5.055', '0.724', '-6.371'] ['C', '12.593', '7.433', '12.786', '2.965', '12.022', '1.649']
['c', '-0.998', '-1.718', '-5.742', '-1.373', '-7.24', '-0.145'] ['C', '11.024', '-0.069', '6.28', '0.276', '4.782', '1.504']
['C', '4.61', '2.114', '4.628', '3.221', '4.636', '4.101'] ['C', '4.61', '2.114', '4.628', '3.221', '4.636', '4.101']
['h', '4.702'] ['H', '9.338']
['v', '0.412'] ['V', '4.513']
['H', '4.637'] ['H', '4.637']
['c', '0', '0.006', '-2.093', '0.013', '-2.093', '0.013'] ['C', '4.637', '4.519', '2.544', '4.526', '2.544', '4.526']
['c', '-3.609', '0', '-3.534', '7.838', '1.228', '7.838'] ['C', '-1.065', '4.526', '-0.99', '12.364', '3.772', '12.364']
['c', '0', '0', '0.175', '-1.736', '0.481', '-2.606'] ['C', '3.772', '12.364', '3.947', '10.628', '4.253', '9.758']
['C', '5.198', '7.073', '9.168', '8.986', '11.298', '8.02'] ['C', '5.198', '7.073', '9.168', '8.986', '11.298', '8.02']
['z'] ['Z']
['M', '6.375', '3.465'] ['M', '6.375', '3.465']
['c', '-0.542', '0', '-0.981', '-0.439', '-0.981', '-0.982'] ['C', '5.833', '3.465', '5.394', '3.026', '5.394', '2.483']
['c', '0', '-0.542', '0.439', '-0.982', '0.981', '-0.982'] ['C', '5.394', '1.941', '5.833', '1.501', '6.375', '1.501']
['c', '0.543', '0', '0.982', '0.44', '0.982', '0.982'] ['C', '6.918', '1.501', '7.357', '1.941', '7.357', '2.483']
['C', '7.358', '3.025', '6.918', '3.465', '6.375', '3.465'] ['C', '7.358', '3.025', '6.918', '3.465', '6.375', '3.465']
['z'] ['Z']
Path: 1
['M', '13.12', '4.691'] ['M', '13.12', '4.691']
['c', '0', '0', '-0.125', '1.737', '-0.431', '2.606'] ['C', '13.12', '4.691', '12.995', '6.428', '12.689', '7.297']
['c', '-0.945', '2.684', '-4.914', '0.772', '-7.045', '1.738'] ['C', '11.744', '9.981', '7.775', '8.069', '5.644', '9.035']
['C', '4.35', '9.622', '4.155', '14.09', '4.92', '15.406'] ['C', '4.35', '9.622', '4.155', '14.09', '4.92', '15.406']
['c', '0.997', '1.719', '5.741', '1.374', '7.24', '0.145'] ['C', '5.917', '17.125', '10.661', '16.78', '12.16', '15.551']
['c', '0.172', '-0.609', '0.154', '-1.716', '0.146', '-2.596'] ['C', '12.332', '14.942', '12.314', '13.835', '12.306', '12.955']
['H', '7.603'] ['H', '7.603']
['v', '-0.412'] ['V', '12.543']
['h', '4.701'] ['H', '12.304']
['c', '0', '-0.006', '2.317', '-0.013', '2.317', '-0.013'] ['C', '12.304', '12.537', '14.621', '12.53', '14.621', '12.53']
['C', '17.947', '12.53', '18.245', '4.691', '13.12', '4.691'] ['C', '17.947', '12.53', '18.245', '4.691', '13.12', '4.691']
['z'] ['Z']
['M', '10.398', '13.42'] ['M', '10.398', '13.42']
['c', '0.542', '0', '0.982', '0.439', '0.982', '0.982'] ['C', '10.94', '13.42', '11.38', '13.859', '11.38', '14.402']
['c', '0', '0.542', '-0.44', '0.981', '-0.982', '0.981'] ['C', '11.38', '14.944', '10.94', '15.383', '10.398', '15.383']
['s', '-0.981', '-0.439', '-0.981', '-0.981'] ['S', '9.417', '14.944', '9.417', '14.402']
['C', '9.417', '13.859', '9.856', '13.42', '10.398', '13.42'] ['C', '9.417', '13.859', '9.856', '13.42', '10.398', '13.42']
['z'] ['Z']
# python script
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from svgpath import paths_to_points
paths = list(tree_to_paths(tree))
_, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.invert_yaxis() # origin at top left
for path in paths_to_points(paths, resolution=100):
for trace in path:
ax.plot(trace[:, 0], trace[:, 1])
The library includes a plotting script.
It requires matplotlib and pyqt6 be installed "pip install mountain-svgpath[display]".
svg-plot -i python_logo.svg