Simple Nagios Dashboard is a simple php based Nagios Dashboard. It is intended for a wall mounted monitor. It displays all host and service warnings.
It requires that the Nagios status.dat file is available as JSON, it includes a module for that.
Setup is very simple, only PHP 5 is required. No database or whatsoever.
Extract code on Nagios Server
to point to the location of your nagios status.dat file -
Install cronjob to generate JSON file:
# /etc/cron.d/nagios-json * * * * * root /usr/bin/php5 /var/www/json.php > /var/www/nagios.json.tmp; cp /var/www/nagios.json.tmp /var/www/nagios.json
Extract code on webserver
and fill in your specific names and locations -
Visit page in web browser and PROFIT!!!
- PHP Nagios JSON by Christian Lizell - GPLv3
- Job van der Voort, Design
- Twitter Bootstrap 3