The Scrapland localisation files are located in the Scrapland\Language
folder. You can easily mod them, but only if lines are written with ASCII characters.
The Problem starts when non-ASCII characters are used in your language. Characters are presented by their UTF-16BE (Big Endian) HEX value with a 0x01
byte at the start of every character.
To change these lines you need to decode them into human-readable format, then encode them back to the Scrapland format.
This is what this tool is for.
git clone
cd Localizer
cargo build --relese
$ ./target/release/rescrap_localizer help
rescrap_localizer 0.1.0
Tool for decoding and encoding Scrapland localization files
rescrap_localizer <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
decode Decode encoded file
encode Encode decoded file
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
$ ./target/release/rescrap_localizer decode help
rescrap_localizer-decode 0.1.0
Decode encoded file
rescrap_localizer decode [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <file>
-h, --help Prints help information
-t, --tostd If enabled, this program will outptut result to stdout instead of file
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --outfile <outfile> Output file. If not specified, outptut will be in file "<input>_decoded.txt"
<file> File to process
In your command line window, after navigating into the folder with the program, use the following commands to decode & encode the language files:
- Decode:
$ ./target/release/rescrap_localizer decode <filename.txt>
This will output a human-readable version of the provided file with the name <filename_decoded.txt>
- Encode:
$ ./target/release/rescrap_localizer encode <filename.txt>
This will output a version of the provided file encoded for Scrapland with the name <filename_encoded.txt>
Just replace the file Scrapland\Language\<Your_language.txt>
and run the game.