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Alon Grinberg Dana edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 14 revisions

Software Coordination

Welcome to the Software Coordination wiki!

This Wiki is intended to serve as a dynamic tool to coordinate development and maintenance of open-source projects united under a vision for high automation in chemical kinetics modeling.

Currently (initially) we have three primary tasks:

  1. Decide which repositories or repository clusters should be included in the cross-group development efforts
  2. Assign Liaisons from each interested group
  3. Define the role of Liaisons and the strategy moving forward

Repos (and repo clusters):

Topic Repository(ies) Green Group Liaison West Group Liaison Dana Group Liaison
Model generation RMG Alon GD
Conformer generation RDMC, ACS, ARC, AutoTST Xiaorui Dong, Oscar Wu Sevy Harris Alon GD
Auto ab-initio calcs ARC, AutoTST Kevin Spiekermann Sevy Harris Kfir Kaplan
High level routines T3 Kevin Spiekermann Alon GD
Automatic Mechanism Analysis RMS Matt Johnson, Hao-Wei Pang
Statmech Arkane Sevy Harris Alon GD

Suggested guidelines:

  • All community members are welcome to contribute code and ideas to all the above repositories
  • Liaisons should be involved in discussions of major development efforts (architecture and major new features)
  • Liaisons should be in continual informal communication, and formally meet once every 6 months to discuss the well-being of the repos under the relevant topic, including major modification suggestions and development strategy
  • All Liaisons and PIs should meet at least once a year (mid March?) to discuss new repositories and suggestions, and sketch high-level strategy. Additional community members are invited to participate.
  • We strive to work openly to make sure we're working on the right thing, doing it correctly, and it hasn't been done before.
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