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RealEstateCore v3.2


  • Metadata -- Various annotation properties used to document the entire ontology suite.
  • Core -- Collects the top-level classes and properties that span over or are reused within multiple REC modules. Imports the Metadata module, and is imported by all other specific child modules.
  • Actuation -- The actuation model; message semantics for requesting and enacting actuation on building systems.
  • Agents -- Basic types of agents (people, organizations, groups), structurally aligned with FOAF.
  • Analytics -- A vocabulary for describing prognoses and aggregates, and the processes used to generate these.
  • Building -- Different types of building components and rooms.
  • Data schemas -- Primitive and complex (object/array) data schemas for sensors, actuators, services, etc.
  • Device -- Device types (sensors and actuators), device configuration, device actuation, etc.
  • LFR -- Optional module covering the data model used by the Swedish National Land Survey, in its database Swedish Real Property Register (Lantmäteriets Fastighetsregister). Not included in the Full ontology below.
  • Lease -- Contracts, leasable premises, types of premises, etc.

Composed Ontology:

  • REC Full -- Imports all REC modules, providing the fullest possible expressivity.