generates a Route Manifest for you. It allows you to refer to a
page by name instead of location:
npm install -g delir
delir ./your-output-file
delir ./your-output-file --workspace ./your-next-app-folder
// Assume you have a page at app/pages/products/[productId].tsx
export default function ProductsPage() { ...
// You can then use Routes...
import { Link } from "next"
import { Routes } from "../path-to-manifest-file"
// refer to it by name...
<Link href={Routes.ProductsPage({ productId: 123 })} />
// ...instead of looking up the location!
<Link href={`/products/${123}`} />
The Route Manifest has some advantages:
- improved expressiveness
- simplifies moving pages to new locations
Query parameters can be specified together with route parameters.
// instead of ...
<Link href={`/products/${pid}?offerCode=capybara`} />
// ... you can do:
<Link href={Routes.Product({ pid, offerCode: "capybara" })} />
Simple cli which is an extract of the routes manifest feature from blitz. Thanks for the super framework ❤️