Alerts when GM in zone, as long as they are not in "stealth"
This plugin has the ability to alert you in different ways such as sound and visual messages if a GM is detected.
/plugin MQ2GMCheck
MQ2GMCheck provides one command with several options:
/gmcheck status : Displays plugin status and options.
/gmcheck [off|on] : Toggles gm checking on/off, or force on/off.
/gmcheck quiet [off|on] : Toggles all gm alert and reminder sounds, or force on/off (resets at next zone).
/gmcheck sound [off|on] : Toggles playing the sound files for alerts, or force on/off.
/gmcheck beep [off|on] : Toggles making beeping sounds for alerts, or force on/off.
/gmcheck popup [off|on] : Toggles showing a popup msg for alerts, or force on/off.
/gmcheck chat [off|on] : Toggles showing gm alerts in the mq2 chat window, or force on/off.
/gmcheck corpse [off|on] : Toggles filtering of alerts for GM corpses, or force on/off.
/gmcheck exclude [off|on] : Toggles GM alerts being excluded for zones defined in ExcludeZoneList.
/gmcheck rem ## : Change alert reminder interval, in seconds (0 to disable).
/gmcheck load : Load settings from MQ2GMCheck.ini
/gmcheck test [enter|leave|remind] : Tests alerts & sounds for the indicated type.
/gmcheck ss [enter|leave|remind] SoundFileName : Set the filename (wav/mp3) to play for indicated alert. Full path if sound file is not in your MQRoot\Resources\Sounds dir.
/gmcheck Zone : history of GM's in this zone.
/gmcheck Server : history of GM's on this server.
/gmcheck All : history of GM's on all servers.
/gmcheck help : Shows command syntax and help.
The MQ2GMCheck.ini file can have the following options, some of which correspond to parameters available via slash commands in game:
GMCheck - GM checking is active by default, on plugin load.
Sound - Play sound files for alerts.
Beep - Beep the PC speaker for alerts (or play PC beep).
Popup - Show popup overlays for alerts.
Corpse - Exclude GM corpses from alerts.
Exclude - Exclude checks/alerts if in zone defined in ExcludeZoneList.
RemInt - Number of seconds for reminder interval.
EnterSound - Alert enter sound filename.
LeaveSound - Alert leave sound filename.
RemindSound - Alert reminder sound filename.
GMEnterCmd - Command to execute when 1st GM enters zone.
GMEnterCmdIf - Optional evaluation to fine tune GMEnterCmd.
GMLeaveCmd - Command to execute when last GM exits zone.
GMLeaveCmdIf - Optional evaluation to fine tune GMLeaveCmd.
ExcludeZoneList - Pipe (|) separated list of zone short names to exclude from GM checks/alerts
In addition, you can have a Section Name corresponding to a GM name, and those custom enter/leave sounds will be played for that GM instead:
EnterSound - GM enter sound filename for this GM.
LeaveSound - GM leave sound filename for this GM.
GMEnterCmdIf=${If[${Zone.ID}==344 || ${Zone.ID}==345,1,0]}
GMEnterCmd=/multiline ; /end ; /camp desktop
GMLeaveCmdIf=${If[${Zone.ID}==344 || ${Zone.ID}==345,1,0]}
Finally, your INI stores a history of GM names you've encountered in your travels. [GM] section lists all GMs you've encountered and in what zone. [ServerName] section will list all GMs you've encountered in the corresponding server [Server-Zone] section will list all GMs you've encountered in a specific zone on a server
- htw - Initial work
- ChatWithThisName - Refactor and merge two versions features together
- Knightly - Refactor and cleanup
- htw - Added imgui options
- htw - Fixed corpse logic
- htw - Added zone exclusion option