Custom maps should be kept in a sub-directory of your EverQuest map directory. For example,
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Good's Maps
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Collection Ground Spawns
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Brewall's Maps
In-game, you switch between map folders via a dropdown in the top left corner of the map.
Good's maps are known for their detail and broad community support. They post updates and answers in this thread,
(GM) = Grand Master
(Q) = Quest
(T) = Solo Task
(Mi) = Mission
(M) = Merchant
(R) = Raid
(GS) = Ground Spawn
(S) = Spell
(D) = Disc
(P) = Parcel
= for non agro NPCs
Blue = NPCs that are involved in a quest but does not start it. Spells/discs vendors also get to be dark!
Turquoise for the GMs in town or instances information inside agressive zones.
= Hunter achievement bosses
Dark red
= Quests target with medium size(2) and raid bosses with large size(3)
= ground spawn and quest updates
Dark Orange
= Zones Areas
= Zone lines and portals
= Roaming NPCs
Base: The Zone lines
Layer 1: Non agro NPCs: (M)erchants, (T)asks, (Q)uests, (Mi)ssions (R)aid etc.
Layer 2: Quests/Tasks/Missions informations and updates, ground spawn, containers, camp or any usefull zone informations.
Layer 3: Zone Wide Rare often used for achievements or treasures dropper. Will also use layer 3 in towns and non agressive zones to isolate layer 1 from been over crowded. Making them often hard to read. In that case, guild masters and spell/disc vendors will be moved there.
Donations accepted but not required. Add a note with your RG username @
[email protected]
via the in-game parcels
;tell xegony.Goodurden
for any mistakes, ideas or if you need any help.