- AIS_DATA_STORED_IN_DAYS (default: 14)
- AIS_DATA_FETCH_INTERVAL (default: 10000)
- PORT (default: 3000)
- LOG_LEVEL (default: error)
Specify at least one:
- ENABLE_AIS_FETCHER (default: false)
- ENABLE_API (default: false)
- AIS_DATA_URL (default: not set)
- DB_URI (default: not set)
- DB_USER (defualt: not set)
- DB_PASSWORD (default not set)
docker run kenguru33/rs-position-tracker -e DB_URI=mongodb://mongodb/mydb:27017/positions -e DB_USER=dbuser -e DB_PASSWORD=pass -e AIS_DATA_URL=https://ais.rs.no/aktive_pos.json -e ENABLE_API=true
First you need to create a .env file. (See .env-example)
npm install
npm start # or npm watch to run with nodemon
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build