A simple application built in python to control an 8*8 LED matrix.
LED Type: WS2811
Python version: 3.10.1
Pygame Version: 2.1.0
ELEGOO NANO (Arduino nano equivalent)
CJMCU 8*8 LED Matrix
Random breadboard
First take your Arduino, wire GND and 5V to the matrix, then wire the pin D5 on the arduino and wire to the DIN on the matrix. Then upload the skecth 'mtrx-ino.ino' on the arduino. After that, run the app, and enjoy. If you want to change the pin, just go in the arduino sketch and change values.
- Finishing docs
- COM Port detection.
- Fixing brightness -> still in progress: buffer slow down.
- Text History
- Removing Herobrine
- @MassimoSandre suggestion about data transfer, and general help in adding text.