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plot OCO RRS and impact on psurf, XCO2
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sunitisanghavi committed Feb 27, 2024
1 parent 6f81df6 commit b6d8fba
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Showing 2 changed files with 221 additions and 16 deletions.
222 changes: 211 additions & 11 deletions test/benchmarks/prototype_O2ABand_RRS.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ using InstrumentOperator #for convolution of hires spectrum to instrument grid
using ImageFiltering
using Distributions
using Plots

using DelimitedFiles

# Load YAML files into parameter struct
parameters =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ for i=1:length(P)

R, T, ieR, ieT = CoreRT.rt_run_test(RS_type,model,iBand);
R_ss, T_ss, ieR_ss, ieT_ss = CoreRT.rt_run_test_ss(RS_type,model,iBand);
#R_ss, T_ss, ieR_ss, ieT_ss = CoreRT.rt_run_test_ss(RS_type,model,iBand);

RS_type = InelasticScattering.noRS(
fscattRayl = [FT(1)],
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,34 @@ for i=1:length(P)

RnoRS, TnoRS, _, _ = CoreRT.rt_run_test(RS_type,model,iBand);
RnoRS_ss, TnoRS_ss, _, _ = CoreRT.rt_run_test_ss(RS_type,model,iBand);

rayl_sza45_vza00_rrs_MOM = [ν R[1,1,:] R[1,2,:] R[1,3,:] ieR[1,1,:] ieR[1,2,:] ieR[1,3,:]]
rayl_sza45_vza00_nors_MOM = [ν RnoRS[1,1,:] RnoRS[1,2,:] RnoRS[1,3,:]]
writedlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_rrs_MOM.dat", rayl_sza45_vza00_rrs_MOM)
writedlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_nors_MOM.dat", rayl_sza45_vza00_nors_MOM)
rayl_sza45_vza00_rrs_MOM = readdlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_rrs_MOM.dat")
rayl_sza45_vza00_nors_MOM = readdlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_nors_MOM.dat")

MOM60_rrs = readdlm("out_ray_sza60_vza00_rrs_MOM.dat")
MOM60_nors = readdlm("out_ray_sza60_vza00_nors_MOM.dat")
MOM45_rrs = readdlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_rrs_MOM.dat")
MOM45_nors = readdlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_nors_MOM.dat")
MOM30_rrs = readdlm("out_ray_sza30_vza00_rrs_MOM.dat")
MOM30_nors = readdlm("out_ray_sza30_vza00_nors_MOM.dat")

bin60_rrs = readdlm("out_ray_sza60_vza00_rrs_bin.dat")
bin60_nors = readdlm("out_ray_sza60_vza00_nors_bin.dat")
bin45_rrs = readdlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_rrs_bin.dat")
bin45_nors = readdlm("out_ray_sza45_vza00_nors_bin.dat")
bin30_rrs = readdlm("out_ray_sza30_vza00_rrs_bin.dat")
bin30_nors = readdlm("out_ray_sza30_vza00_nors_bin.dat")

#RnoRS_ss, TnoRS_ss, _, _ = CoreRT.rt_run_test_ss(RS_type,model,iBand);

R_test, T_test, ieR_test, ieT_test = CoreRT.rt_run_test(RS_type,model,iBand);
Expand All @@ -102,20 +129,23 @@ R_test, T_test, ieR_test, ieT_test = CoreRT.rt_run_test(RS_type,model,1);
#===Convolution of hires spectral simulations to instrument grid===#
#x = (1e7/415):0.3:(1e7/385)
#ν = (1e7/460):0.3:(1e7/420)
x = -40:0.15:40
#x = -40:0.15:40
x = -40:0.04:40
FWHM_OCO = 0.042 #nm
σOCO = FWHM_OCO/2.355
#kernel = InstrumentOperator.create_instrument_kernel(Normal(0, 12.5), x) #defining a Gaussian kernel for convolution in wavenumber space
#kernel = InstrumentOperator.create_instrument_kernel(Normal(0, 12.5), x)
kernel = InstrumentOperator.create_instrument_kernel(Normal(0, 3.75), x) #SCIAMACHY resolution of σ=0.54 nm in the O2 A-band

kernel = InstrumentOperator.create_instrument_kernel(Normal(0, σOCO), x)
#kernel = InstrumentOperator.create_instrument_kernel(Normal(0, 3.75), x) #SCIAMACHY resolution of σ=0.54 nm in the O2 A-band
I_conv_noRS = zeros(3,length(ν))
I_conv = zeros(3,length(ν))
ieI_conv = zeros(3,length(ν))
Q_conv_noRS = zeros(3,length(ν))
Q_conv = zeros(3,length(ν))
ieQ_conv = zeros(3,length(ν))
I_conv_noRS_ss = zeros(3,length(ν))
I_conv_ss = zeros(3,length(ν))
I_conv_noRS_bin = zeros(3,length(ν))
I_conv_bin = zeros(3,length(ν))
ieI_conv_ss = zeros(3,length(ν))
Q_conv_noRS_ss = zeros(3,length(ν))
Q_conv_ss = zeros(3,length(ν))
Expand All @@ -136,7 +166,6 @@ for ctr=1:3
Q_conv_ss[ctr,:] .= imfilter(R_ss[ctr,2,:], kernel)
ieQ_conv_ss[ctr,:] .= imfilter(ieR_ss[ctr,2,:], kernel)
#I_conv = InstrumentOperator.conv_spectra(kernel, )
convfct = 1e7./ν.^2 # to convert radiance units from mW/m²-str-cm⁻¹ to mW/m²-str-nm
#convfct = 1.0#./F₀ # to normalize wrt irradiance
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,3 +413,174 @@ q3 = plot!(1e7./ν, (R_ss[3,2,:].-RnoRS_ss[3,2,:].+ieR_ss[3,2,:]).*convfct, line
plot(p1, q1, p2, q2, p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["I₁ (with RS)" "Q₁ (with RS)" "I₁-I₀" "Q₁-Q₀" "(1-I₀/I₁) [%]" "(1-Q₀/Q₁) [%]"], titlefont = font(10))

#for ctr=1:3
ν = MOM30_nors[:,1]
νbin = bin30_nors[:,1]

#No convolution is carried out in the following because the OCO sampling frequency is higher than the wavelength grid
I_noRS = zeros(3,length(ν))
I = zeros(3,length(ν))
ieI = zeros(3,length(ν))
Q_noRS = zeros(3,length(ν))
Q = zeros(3,length(ν))
ieQ = zeros(3,length(ν))

I_noRS_bin = zeros(3,length(νbin))
I_bin = zeros(3,length(νbin))
ieI_bin = zeros(3,length(νbin))
Q_noRS_bin = zeros(3,length(νbin))
Q_bin = zeros(3,length(νbin))
ieQ_bin = zeros(3,length(νbin))

I_noRS[1,:] .= MOM30_nors[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS[1,:] .= MOM30_nors[:,3]
I[1,:] .= MOM30_rrs[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q[1,:] .= MOM30_rrs[:,3]
ieI[1,:] .= MOM30_rrs[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ[1,:] .= MOM30_rrs[:,6]

I_noRS[2,:] .= MOM45_nors[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS[2,:] .= MOM45_nors[:,3]
I[2,:] .= MOM45_rrs[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q[2,:] .= MOM45_rrs[:,3]
ieI[2,:] .= MOM45_rrs[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ[2,:] .= MOM45_rrs[:,6]

I_noRS[3,:] .= MOM60_nors[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS[3,:] .= MOM60_nors[:,3]
I[3,:] .= MOM60_rrs[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q[3,:] .= MOM60_rrs[:,3]
ieI[3,:] .= MOM60_rrs[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ[3,:] .= MOM60_rrs[:,6]

I_noRS_bin[1,:] .= bin30_nors[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS_bin[1,:] .= bin30_nors[:,3]
I_bin[1,:] .= bin30_rrs[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_bin[1,:] .= bin30_rrs[:,3]
ieI_bin[1,:] .= bin30_rrs[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ_bin[1,:] .= bin30_rrs[:,6]

I_noRS_bin[2,:] .= bin45_nors[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS_bin[2,:] .= bin45_nors[:,3]
I_bin[2,:] .= bin45_rrs[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_bin[2,:] .= bin45_rrs[:,3]
ieI_bin[2,:] .= bin45_rrs[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ_bin[2,:] .= bin45_rrs[:,6]

I_noRS_bin[3,:] .= bin60_nors[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS_bin[3,:] .= bin60_nors[:,3]
I_bin[3,:] .= bin60_rrs[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_bin[3,:] .= bin60_rrs[:,3]
ieI_bin[3,:] .= bin60_rrs[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ_bin[3,:] .= bin60_rrs[:,6]
#I_conv = InstrumentOperator.conv_spectra(kernel, )

convfct = 1e7./ν.^2 # to convert radiance units from mW/m²-str-cm⁻¹ to mW/m²-str-nm
#convfct = 1.0#./F₀ # to normalize wrt irradiance
l = @layout [a1 a2 ; b1 b2; c1 c2]
p1 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[1,:].-I_noRS[1,:].+ieI[1,:])./(I_noRS[1,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p1 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[1,:].-I_noRS_bin[1,:].+ieI_bin[1,:])./(I_noRS_bin[1,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

p2 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[2,:].-I_noRS[2,:].+ieI[2,:])./(I_noRS[2,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p2 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[2,:].-I_noRS_bin[2,:].+ieI_bin[2,:])./(I_noRS_bin[2,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

p3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[3,:].-I_noRS[3,:].+ieI[3,:])./(I_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[3,:].-I_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieI_bin[3,:])./(I_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

q1 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[1,:].-Q_noRS[1,:].+ieQ[1,:])./(Q_noRS[1,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-0.1,1))
q1 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[1,:].-Q_noRS_bin[1,:].+ieQ_bin[1,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[1,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

q2 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[2,:].-Q_noRS[2,:].+ieQ[2,:])./(Q_noRS[2,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-0.1,1))
q2 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[2,:].-Q_noRS_bin[2,:].+ieQ_bin[2,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[2,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

q3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[3,:].-Q_noRS[3,:].+ieQ[3,:])./(Q_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-0.1,1))
q3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[3,:].-Q_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieQ_bin[3,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

plot(p1, q1, p2, q2, p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=30ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=30ᵒ" "(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=45ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=45ᵒ" "(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ"], titlefont = font(10))

l = @layout [a1; a2]# ; b1 b2; c1 c2]
p3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[3,:].-I_noRS[3,:].+ieI[3,:])./(I_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-1,5.5))
#p3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[3,:].-I_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieI_bin[3,:])./(I_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

q3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[3,:].-Q_noRS[3,:].+ieQ[3,:])./(Q_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-0.1,1))
#q3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[3,:].-Q_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieQ_bin[3,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

plot(p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ"], titlefont = font(10))

l = @layout [a1; a2]# ; b1 b2; c1 c2]

p3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[3,:].-I_noRS[3,:].+ieI[3,:])./(I_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(759,762), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[3,:].-I_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieI_bin[3,:])./(I_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(759,762))

q3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[3,:].-Q_noRS[3,:].+ieQ[3,:])./(Q_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(759,762), ylims=(-0.1,1))
q3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[3,:].-Q_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieQ_bin[3,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(759,762))

plot(p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ"], titlefont = font(10))

l = @layout [a1; a2]# ; b1 b2; c1 c2]

p3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[3,:].-I_noRS[3,:].+ieI[3,:])./(I_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(769,772), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[3,:].-I_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieI_bin[3,:])./(I_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(769,772))

q3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[3,:].-Q_noRS[3,:].+ieQ[3,:])./(Q_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(769,772), ylims=(-0.1,1))
q3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[3,:].-Q_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieQ_bin[3,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(769,772))

plot(p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ"], titlefont = font(10))

l = @layout [a1; a2]# ; b1 b2; c1 c2]

p3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[3,:].-I_noRS[3,:].+ieI[3,:])./(I_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(762,767), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[3,:].-I_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieI_bin[3,:])./(I_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(762,767))

q3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[3,:].-Q_noRS[3,:].+ieQ[3,:])./(Q_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(762,767), ylims=(-0.1,1))
q3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[3,:].-Q_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieQ_bin[3,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=2, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(762,767))

plot(p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ"], titlefont = font(10))

I_noRS_lp = zeros(length(ν))
I_lp = zeros(length(ν))
ieI_lp = zeros(length(ν))
Q_noRS_lp = zeros(length(ν))
Q_lp = zeros(length(ν))
ieQ_lp = zeros(length(ν))

I_noRS_lp[:] .= MOM60_nors_lp[:,2]#imfilter(RnoRS[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_noRS_lp[:] .= MOM60_nors_lp[:,3]
I_lp[:] .= MOM60_rrs_lp[:,2]#imfilter(R[ctr,1,:], kernel)
Q_lp[:] .= MOM60_rrs_lp[:,3]
ieI_lp[:] .= MOM60_rrs_lp[:,5]#imfilter(ieR[ctr,1,:], kernel)
ieQ_lp[:] .= MOM60_rrs_lp[:,6]

l = @layout [a1; a2]# ; b1 b2; c1 c2]
p3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(I[3,:].-I_noRS[3,:].+ieI[3,:])./(I_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-1,5.5))
p3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(I_bin[3,:].-I_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieI_bin[3,:])./(I_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))
p3 = plot!(1e7./ν, 100*(-I_lp .+ I[3,:])./I[3,:], linecolor=:blue, linewidth=1, alpha=0.5, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

q3 = plot(1e7./ν, 100*(Q[3,:].-Q_noRS[3,:].+ieQ[3,:])./(Q_noRS[3,:]), linecolor=:black, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775), ylims=(-0.1,1))
#q3 = plot!(1e7./νbin, 100*(Q_bin[3,:].-Q_noRS_bin[3,:].+ieQ_bin[3,:])./(Q_noRS_bin[3,:]), linecolor=:red, linewidth=1, alpha=0.85, xlabel = "λ [nm]", xlims=(755,775))

plot(p3, q3, layout = l, legend = false, title = ["(I₁-I₀)/I₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ" "(Q₁-Q₀)/Q₀ [%], SZA=60ᵒ"], titlefont = font(10))

15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions test/test_parameters/O2Parameters2.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ radiative_transfer:
#- (1e7/750):0.05:(1e7/745)
#- (1e7/768):0.05:(1e7/763)
- (1e7/783):0.15:(1e7/750)
#- (1e7/783):0.15:(1e7/750)
#- (1e7/780):0.02:(1e7/755)
- (1e7/782):0.18:(1e7/750) #dwl = 0.01040 nm
#- (1e7/782):1.0:(1e7/750) #dwl = 0.05776 nm
#- (1e7/782):0.002:(1e7/750) --> this works only for noRS, indicating that the max. spectral resolution decreases by a factor of 100 for RRS computations
#- (1e7/777):0.08:(1e7/758)
# Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) per band
- LambertianSurfaceScalar{Float64}(0.) #(0.2) #(0.05)
Expand All @@ -32,11 +37,11 @@ radiative_transfer:
# =================================================================
# Solar zenith angle (degrees)
sza: 30. #45 #60 #30. #60 #32.4436
sza: 60. #45. #60 #30. #60 #32.4436
# Viewing zenith angles (degrees)
vza: [0, 30, 45, 30] #[15, 30, 45, 60] #[32.4436] #[0.072]
vza: [0] #[0, 30, 60, 30] #[15, 30, 45, 60] #[32.4436] #[0.072]
# Viewing azimuth angles (degrees)
vaz: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.] #[0.0, 0.0, 180., 180.]
vaz: [0.0] #, 0.0, 0.0, 180.] #[0.0, 0.0, 180., 180.]
# Observation altitude (Pa)
obs_alt: 0 #1000.0

Expand All @@ -59,7 +64,7 @@ atmospheric_profile:
5.44, 7.26, 9.67, 12.90, 17.23, 23.30,
31.00, 42.07, 56.09, 74.78, 99.69, 131.00,
176.85, 236.64, 314.58, 418.87, 557.76, 735.00,
800.12, 849.00, 912.00, 980.00, 1005.0]
800.12, 849.00, 912.00, 980.00, 990.0] #1005.0]
# Reduce profile to n layers (-1 is default, leave as is)
profile_reduction: 1 #5 #-1

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