A simple base implementation of a DAG. Users should feel free to subclass this DAG class to provide their desired functionality. The API is intended to be similar to the NetworkX API, though not an exact replica. Note that multiple edges between the same two nodes are not supported by this package.
from base_dag import DAG
# Initialize the DAG
dag = DAG()
# Add nodes and edges
dag.add_nodes_from([1, 2])
dag.add_edge((1, 2))
dag.add_edge((2, 3))
# Remove nodes and edges
dag.remove_edge((2, 3))
# Re-add a third node.
# Extract the subgraph of nodes 1 and 2.
sub_dag = dag.subgraph([1, 2])
all_nodes = dag.nodes() # (1, 2, 3)
all_edges = dag.edges() # ( (1, 2), (2, 3) )
successors = dag.successors(1) # [2]
predecessors = dag.predecessors(2) # [1]
descendants = dag.descendants(1) # [2, 3]
ancestors = dag.ancestors(2) # [1]
in_degree = dag.indegree(2) # 1
out_degree = dag.outdegree(1) # 1
# Reverse the direction of the edges in the graph in place, without affecting the nodes at all.
sorted_nodes = dag.topological_sort()
generations = dag.topological_generations()
sorted_generations = dag.sorted_topological_generations()
has_path = dag.has_path(1, 3) # True
is_acyclic = dag.is_acyclic() # True