This project manages my Evernote notebooks and (currently has 3 main objectives):
- Take any events which I add as new notes to Evernote in the 'Events' notebook, and create corresponding google calender events, so that my calender stays synchronised even if I only interface with Evernote.
- Automatically update my goals with their state-changes, e.g. if I move a note from the 'Backlog' to 'Current', I want this service to append the note with the date that this happened (so I know I started working on that goal on that date)
- Automatically combine all my daily logs into a weekly 'summary of work', running every Sunday night
A secondary goal is to remind me how to code in python, as well as improve my knowledge on the infrastructure (unit testing frameworks, logging, schedulers, IDEs, packaging etc)
Setup process on Windows:
- Install python 2.7.10 32-bit
- Run 'python install' in the evernote python API submodule
- Run 'pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client'
- Run 'pip install schedule'
To run the service I run from the NoteService directory:
- nohup sudo python -m src.evernote_service &
For events to be synced to google calender, they must be of the form:
Title: "yyyy-mm-dd HHMM-HHMM [Event Name]" Optional first line of content: "Location: [Location]"
(The [] symbols are not required)
The file must be placed in config/ and be of the form:
import os
APP_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..'))
EVERNOTE_AUTH_TOKEN = "[sandbox_token]"
EVERNOTE_AUTH_TOKEN = "[production_token]"
CHECK_TIME = "03:00"
LOGGING_LEVEL = 10 # this is value of logging.DEBUG
LOG_LOCATION = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, "log", "evernote_service.log")
STORED_GOAL_STATES_LOCATION = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, "config", "stored_goal_states.json")
LATEST_CHECK_TIME_LOCATION = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, "config", "last_check_time.txt")
GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, "config", "google_oauth2.creds")
MENDELEY_CREDENTIALS_FILE = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, "config", "mendeley_oauth2.creds")