React-Native app to run on iOS and Android
Project uses Firebase as the store handler and redux to maintain application state.
To run the app -:
- Ensure you have xcode installed on iOS
- Make sure you have react-cli installed
- On the command line type -: react-native run-ios to run the ios version.
The application allows the user to store simple details about their working day. It will store the Date a description, hours worked and minutes rounded to the closes 15 minutes in the firebase database. The user can then view these enteries.
Planned Enhancements -:
- Properly use redux for app state.
- Differentiate between Employer and Employee.
- To be able to send times to the emploter for approval.
- Set up an hourly rate for work
- Set up the Employer type and allow them to Authorise work.
- Add notifications for when employees send time to be authorised.
- Add a rejection cycle for when times sent for pay are incorrect
- Styling - cos man it looks rough currently!