New version of my portfolio site.
Description • Project setup • Features • How To Use • Project Status • Room for Improvement • License • Contact
Single page application in Next.js.
In addition to describing some of my projects, there is a micro-blog that I hope I will keep (after all, any self-respecting developer creates a blog platform or at least a page with posts before writing his first post about his beloved cat or cactus 😉).
Stack: Next (SSR and CSR), TypeScript, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Next's fetch() API... CredentialsProvider and GoogleProvider signing in.
- Clone this repo to your desktop and run
ornpm install
to install all the dependencies. - Once the dependencies are installed, you can run
yarn dev
ornpm dev
to start the application. - Enjoy.
- SPA in Next.js, TypeScript and TailwindCSS.
- Next's fetch() API for work with DB.
- CredentialsProvider and GoogleProvider signing in.
- CRUD posts in MongoDB.
- Next's SSR and CSR.
Project is: in progress
To do:
- Add content.
- Add message sender in contact form.
- Add pagination in posts.
- Add search in projects by tools.
- Add 3D graphics.
- Add i18next.
- Add Strapi or Sanity CMS.
- Add comments to posts
- Refactor posts CRUD to comments.
This project is open source and available under the MIT.
Created by @RimidalU - feel free to contact me!