This application is based on REST API build in node.js. API is deployed on heroku at . To set up the node API move to the node_api directory and run the following command in terminal/command prompt:
npm install
This will install all the required dependencies for the API. To start the server run the following command in your terminal/command prompt:
npm start
The server will run on port 5000.
Alternatively API can also be fetched directly from heroku and using the respective routes. Link for route to test the Root Path. (only for ishan)
(post) to login
body: email, password
response: sucess, token, userId, errors
(post) to register
body: name, email, password, age, username ,confirmPassword
resopnse: success, user, errors
(get) to view patient by id
params: userId response: user
(delete) to delete profile with authorization
authorization: token
(get) to get all users
response: list of users, count
(patch) to upload avatar
params: id
body(file): image autherization: token
(patch) to update info
params: id
body: info autherization: token
(get) to get all memes
response: list of memes, count
localhost:5000/api/memes/post (post) to post a meme
body: meme
response: errors, meme
localhost:5000/api/memes/findmeme/:id (get) to get a meme by id
params: id
response: meme
localhost:5000/api/memes/delete/:id (delete) to delete a meme
params: id
autherization: token
response: success
localhost:5000/api/addons/like/:id (post) to like a meme
params: id
autherization: token
response: meme
localhost:5000/api/addons/unlike/:id (post) to unlike a meme
params: id
autherization: token
response: meme
localhost:5000/api/battles/create (post) to create a meme
body: name
response: battle
localhost:5000/api/battles/getinvitation/:id (post) to get invitation link
params: id response: battle invitation link
localhost:5000/api/battles/all (get) to get a list of all the battles
localhost:5000/api/battles/find/:id (get) to get the battle with given id
params: id response: battle
localhost:5000/api/userupdate/follow/:id (post) to follow or unfollow user with given id
params: id
authorization: token
response: message, current user, user with given id
localhost:5000/api/feed/dummy (get) to get dummy feed
authorization: token
response: an array of memes id
(get) to get user search items
query: search query for partial search
response: items matching the query
(get) to view patient by username
params: username response: user