Sigmoid is intended to elaborate on the stories of how a newbie hack starts out exploring the wonderful world of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. I intend to post about my experiences and the projects I'm working on!
Sigmoid is a mathematical function that has a characteristic "S" sort of a shape. It looks pretty dope. In machine learning, a Support Vector Machine uses several kernels to transform its myriad set of data points into a more workable form - ie. Higher Dimentional Spaces, with a hope that in higher dimentional spaces, the datapoints would become more distinct and seperable (2D is kind of a bitch to work with). The sigmoid kernel was inspired from Neural Networks and can be used to localize data in a [-1,1] n-dimensional range along that "S" sort of curve.
Overall, in sigmoid, the hyperplane looks really cool and curvy and thus it's the name of this blog! So Welcome!
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