This library can be used to access JSON data with a document database (like MongoDB, CouchDB) like property query syntax.
It is NOT an exact Dot-Notion like approach to array structures. It (imho) needs a JSON array / object structure to work that way.
composer require ronolo/json-query
use RoNoLo\JsonQuery;
$q = JsonQuery::fromFile('data.json'); // or ...
$q = JsonQuery::fromData(['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2]); // or ...
$q = JsonQuery::fromJson('{"foo": "bernd", "bar": "kitty"}');
$result = $q->query('foo'); // or ...
$result = $q->query(''); // or ...
$result = $q->query(''); // or ...
$result = $q->query(''); // or ...
$result = $q->query(''); // etc.
Please check the PhpUnit tests, to find more examples.
"de": "Deutschland", "en": "Germany", "es": "Alemania", "fr": "Allemagne",
"it": "Germania", "ja": "\u30c9\u30a4\u30c4", "nl": "Duitsland",
"altSpellings": ["DE", "Federal Republic of Germany", "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"],
"population": 80523700,
"latlng": [51, 9],
"persons": [
"name": "Karl",
"hobby": [
"type": "Cars",
"examples": [
{"name": "Honda"},
{"name": "Porsche", "build": ["1962", "1976", "2010"]},
{"name": "Mercedes"}
"type": "Planes",
"examples": [{"name": "Concorde"}, {"name": "Airbus"}, {"name": "Tupolev"}]
"type": "Music",
"examples": [{"name": "Rock"}, {"name": "Pop"}, {"name": "Funk"}]
"name": "Jenni",
"hobby": [
"type": "Comics",
"examples": [{"name": "Duffy Duck"}, {"name": "Batman"}, {"name": "Superman"}]
"type": "Dancing",
"examples": [{"name": "Walzer"}, {"name": "Shuffle"}]
use RoNoLo\JsonQuery;
$q = JsonQuery::fromFile('data.json');
$result = $q->query('population'); // 80523700
$result = $q->query('bernd'); // ValueNotFound()
$result = $q->query(''); // ["Karl", "Jenni"]
$result = $q->query(''); // "Jenni"
$result = $q->query('latlng'); // [51, 9]
$result = $q->query('latlng.0'); // 51
$result = $q->query('persons.hobby.type'); // [["Cars", "Planes", "Music"],["Comics","Dancing"]]
Because of the nature of multidimensional arrays, queries which are very deep into the structure are possibly returned as multidimensional arrays. See PhpUnit example with 'persons.hobby.type' as the query.