Software Engineer | Black Female Feminist | @ResilientCoders Alum | Mental Health Advocate | From Code to Connections: Building Web Applications That Matter
My journey as a software engineer is fueled by my personal experiences with mental health challenges in the Black community and my own family, driving me to break the stigma and make a positive impact.
I have successfully leveraged my software engineering skills to build web applications that connect people of color with mental health professionals who can truly relate to their experiences. I've created a welcoming and safe space where people of color feel comfortable seeking the support they deserve, especially in places where it's not readily available.
Through my journey, I aim to demonstrate that adversity can serve as a wellspring of strength and that technology has the potential to be a powerful force for positive change within our communities. Armed with unwavering dedication and the right tools, we have the capacity to surmount even the most formidable obstacles, leaving a profound and enduring mark for the better. Let's unite through code, forging meaningful connections and developing web applications that truly make a difference!
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