This demo presents how to use NexCOBOT MiniBOT to pick candy with AWS SageMaker as inference engine.
In this demo, we use AWS SageMaker to label our candy dataset, train a SSD model, and setup endpoint to do inference. I will create another repo for the detail.
Here is the result of the inference (also a youtube link of demo video):

The OS platform of MiniBOT controlller is Windows 7 32-bit
- Install
NexMotion Studio
to get NexMotion C/C++ API and NexMotion.dll. - Create a project to setup MiniBOT Configuration from NexMotion Studio.
- For operating real robot arm, do homing process in NexMotion Studio first.
In windows system, you can install Git
to run following command in Git Bash
# Go to Documents folder
cd Documents
# clone NexMotion Python API
git clone
cd NexMotion-Python_API
# cloen this demo repo
- Install AWS CLI version 1 (
only for 64-bit) - Set up aws configuration
For configure, open Windowscommand prompt
(CMD), and enteraws configure
. Then, will show parameter for setup.
REM ntoe: you should got your own key from your AWS account
Install python 2.7 from or use conda -
Setup virtual environment (In MiniBOT controller)
Open Windows CMD, then
REM install virtualenv
pip isntall virtualenv
REM cd to Document or where you store your code
cd \Users\<your_name>\Documents\
REM create folder
mkdir python-virtual-env
cd python-virtual-env
REM create virtual env
virtualenv minibot-env
- Activate environment and install necessary package for candy picking project
Still in Windows CMD
REM activate python virtual env
cd Documents\python-virtual-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Back to this repo folder and launch jupyter notebook
cd Document\NexMotion-Python_API\minibot_candy_pick_demo
jupyter notebook
In addition, I also use ipywidgets to create robot controller WebUI in Jupyterlab.
Here is the screenshot (also a youtube link of demo video):