Polling app including user registration and login for practise and demo purposes.
- Setup a PHP/MySQL environment using a suitable host service (eg Apache) and ensure that the host service is referencing the correct location on the server.
- Copy all files into the location
- use the 'kineotest.sql' file to populate a database (the file should automatically generate the database if it does not exits, and populate it)
- setup a database user 'kineotest' with password 'kineotest'.
- open the location via a web browser and login.
The database is prepopulated with 5 dummy users
- [email protected] / user1
- [email protected] / user2
- etc.
Full user registration process (so don't try the registation form!)
Full voting results output (but comments hopefully to show logic to be used).
Candidate table is not fully populated (hacked to auto populate with dummy data if user has no candidates to choose from)