Use this gem to churn out meta tags for your rails webpages. This also renders meta tags for the following:
- Page
tag with proper hyphenation when used with breadcrumbs - Basic
tags - Twitter meta tags
- Open graph meta tags
- Google Schema JSON-LD
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "page_structured_data"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install page_structured_data
Add the following in your layout to include the basic meta tags by default
<%= render 'page_structured_data/meta_tags', page: @page_meta,
default_image_url: image_url('<path_to_default_image>') %>
Note: This doesn't include csrf or any other security or viewport related meta tags.
In your views, please define the @page_meta
as follows
<% @page_meta = 'Home', extra_title: "Official Page",
description: 'Welcome to my Page') %>
The instance variable will be used in the layout to create proper meta tags. Most attributes are self explanatory. extra_title
is used to append to the title.
Configure the application wide settings as follows:
# config/initializers/page_structured_data.rb
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
PageStructuredData.config do |config|
config.base_app_name = 'AwesomestApp' # or use any application constant as this is called after_initialize
Create a list of breadcrumbs like this:
<% breadcrumb = [{ title: 'Resources', href: resources_url }, { title: 'Articles', href: resources_articles_url }]) %>
And include it in the
<% @page_meta = 'Home', extra_title: "Official Page",
description: 'Welcome to my Page', breadcrumb: breadcrumb) %>
This will create a JSON+LD breadcrumbs similar to Breadcrumbs
Currently this gem supports the following page types:
To use these, it is similar to breadcrumbs: include them in
and it the json+ld will be automatically included.
<% article_page_type = @article.title, published_at: @article.published_at,
updated_at: @article.updated_at, authors: [name:, url:],
images: [main_app.url_for(@article.cover_image.variant(:standard))]) %>
<% @page_meta = 'Home', extra_title: "Official Page",
description: 'Welcome to my Page', page_type: article_page_type) %>
Just replace BlogPosting class with the other type for other page types.
Please raise a PR to be validated and merged.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.