This repository includes a Docker file that can be used to build a Docker container running the pseudo-spectral optimal control tool PSOPT. This optimization tool allows to model and solve optimal control problems, some examples solved using pseudo-spectral optimization include but are not limited to the international space station zero-propellant manoeuvre (ZPM), the shuttle re-entry problem and the geodesic problem.
In order to build the image, clone or download this repository, open a terminal and go to the repository directory.
Then, run the following command docker build -t myimage:psopt .
in a terminal window, where myimage:psopt
can be changed to rename the Docker image being built. Building the Docker image will run the compiler gcc
as the optimal control tool PSOPT relies on multiple third party libraries, therefore, the following minimum configuration for Docker is required:
- 4Gib of Memory
- 2Gib of Swap Memory
The deployment of the image requires to enable the interactive console in order to make
and run
the executable generated by PSOPT. In addition, it is advised to bind the Docker container to an accessible folder to post-process the optimal solutions generated as well as to visualise them.