A deep reinforcement learning based chess engine which follows the architecture of DeepMind's Alphazero
[x] Test if MCTS is working as expected
[x] Stop inverting encoded board positions on position changes
[x] Increase conv layers to 3
[x] Optimize MCTS move generation
[x] Add L2 regularization to model weights
[x] Mask illegal moves child move counts
- Chess Game Dataset (PGN files Source) - https://www.pgnmentor.com/files.html
- Board/Move encode/decode logic - https://github.com/ZiyuanMa/MuZero/blob/master/pseudocode.py
- Templates for Action, MCTS, Node, ReplayBuffer, config classes are from https://github.com/ZiyuanMa/MuZero/blob/master/pseudocode.py
- Leela Zero - https://github.com/Zeta36/chess-alpha-zero
- AlphaZero Implementation - https://github.com/geochri/AlphaZero_Chess