- Supports every part of currently documented Bolt Cloud API(and Bolt Cloud Pro API)
- No dependancies, only single .js file
- It uses fetch API and async await under the hood, polyfill required for older browsers
- Import it with cdn or directly
- Set API token and device name with setKey (The following script will automatically set them when you upload code on Bolt cloud)
setKey('{{ApiKey}}', '{{Name}}')
- You can use any functions now 🎉
try {
let response = await analogRead('A0')
myElement.innerText = response
} catch (e) {
console.error(e.name + ' : ' + e.message)
- Name of functions are exactly same as the name of respective commands. check out Bolt Cloud API
- Every function has device_name as last and optional parameter for checking another devices without ever having setKey again.
- 'Multi' functions will accept lists of numbers as argument(like pins, values) and will return Promise that return a list of numbers.
- Read functions will return Promises that return the read value as string.
- Write functions will return Promises that return the written value. (would be the same as the one provided as argument)
- In general, every function will return every property(except "success" and with the same name and order) that is returned by the respective command, if number of properties is >1, the function will return an object with them. (in a Promise)
- In case of error / failure, the function will return an object with name and message as properties.
// Reading state of a pin
// Writing state
myElem.onclick = async e => {
try {
let response = await servoWrite(pin, e.target.value)
myDisplayElem.innerText = 'Successfully changed value of ..'
} catch (er) {
myDisplayElem.innerText = e.name + ' : ' + e.message
// Utilies
.then(/*Do something*/)
.catch(/*Do something*/)