Plantilla per compilar i desplegar un Smart Contract desenvolupat amb Solidity a Ethereum, i accedir-hi mitjançant una aplicació desenvolupada amb una aplicació web amb interfície web ReactJSv6. Es pot executar a NodeJS o Docker.
Requirements: Node 18.12.1.
### Requirements for project execution Create a .env file inside your project repository with a new variable named MNEMONIC and assign it your wallet phrase mnemonic.
Add in the .env file the following variables: INFURA_KEY and COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY. You will need to get an infura and coinmarketcap API Keys and assign them to these variables respectively.
To install all dependencies, if necessary:
npm install
To compile the smart contract:
npm run ethereum_compile
To deploy to Sepolia test network:
npm run ethereum_deploy
To execute test:
npm run ethereum_test
To deploy to GitHub Pages:
npm run deploy
To start React JS development server:
npm run start
To execute Hardhat test:
npx hardhat test