- Quake mode for any window
- Toggle mode
- Sticky top
- While toggled follow you in any workspace
- Hides on '-1' workspace
- Set quake height
- Quickly toggle a special VsCode/md-editor instance to drop some lines in your cheatSheet repository.
- Clone and drop anywhere (why not in the i3 config file?)
sudo chmod a+x ./i3QAW.py
- Set a keybind in your i3 config file and specify the window class (you can use xprop shell command to help you) you wish to quake
bindsym $alt+w exec "$HOME/.config/i3/i3QAW.py WindowClass"
- Optionally you can specify the app launcher, if you want to toggle a specify website
bindsym $alt+ctrl+w exec "$HOME/.config/i3/i3QAW.py Chromium --app=http://devdocs.io"
- Pick the window of the same classe name as the one you specified in your keybind (i3 confi) and float it
- (float shortcut in (i3 config) example:
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
- (float shortcut in (i3 config) example:
- repeat at will.
Alpha setting
Full multi-screen multi-rez support (currently some issues on multi-rez)
Auto startup an instance of binded quake windows at startup, float them and hide them
Suggestions or inputs are welcome. Enjoy!