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Default en_US.yml
Lilac edited this page Jul 31, 2024
3 revisions
# en_US translation by Lilac
# Plugin Message Prefix
prefix: '&7[<g:#8A2387:#E94057:#F27121>RoseChat&7] '
# Generic Command Messages
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission for that!'
only-player: '&cThis command can only be used by a player.'
invalid-argument: '&c%message%'
message-blank: '&cPlease enter a message!'
# Argument Handler Error Messages
argument-handler-player: This player is not online!
argument-handler-channel: This channel does not exist!
argument-handler-chatcolor: This is not a valid color!
argument-handler-timescale: This is not a valid time scale!
argument-handler-integer: This is not a number!
argument-handler-group: This group does not exist!
argument-handler-group-member: This player is not in this group chat!
argument-handler-member-group: You are not in this group chat!
# Moderation Messages
blocked-caps: '&cYour message could not be sent as it contains too many capital letters!'
blocked-spam: '&cPlease do not spam!'
blocked-language: '&cYou used a bad word. :('
blocked-url: '&cPlease do not send URLs or IPs!'
# Base Command Message
base-command-color: '&e'
base-command-help: '&eUse &b/%cmd% help &efor command information.'
# Help Command
command-help-description: Displays the help menu... You have arrived
command-help-title: '&eAvailable Commands:'
command-help-list-description: '&8 - &d/%cmd% %subcmd% &7- %desc%'
command-help-list-description-no-sub: '&8 - &d/%cmd% &7- %desc%'
# Reload Command
command-reload-description: Reloads the plugin
command-reload-reloaded: '&ePlugin data, configuration, and locale files were reloaded.'
# Broadcast Command
command-broadcast-description: Broadcast a message to the server, or to a channel
# Debug Command
command-debug-description: Toggles debug mode
command-debug-on: '&eDebug mode is now &aon&e. Use &b/rc debug &eagain to save debug information.'
command-debug-off: '&eDebug mode is now &coff&e.'
command-debug-once: '&eDebug mode is now &aon&e. It will automatically be disabled after a message is sent.'
# Channel Command
command-channel-description: Join or message a channel
command-channel-joined: '&eYou are now using the &b%id% &echannel.'
command-channel-custom-usage: '&e/%channel% &e[message]'
command-channel-not-joinable: '&cThis channel cannot be joined.'
command-channel-cannot-message: '&cYou cannot send a message in this channel.'
# Chat Color Command
command-chatcolor-description: Change your default chat color
command-chatcolor-success: '&eYour new chat color is &f%color%&e.'
command-chatcolor-removed: '&eYour chat color has been removed.'
command-chatcolor-player: '&eYou have set &b%player%&e''s chat color to &f%color%&e.'
command-chatcolor-removed-player: '&eYou have removed &b%player%&e''s chat color.'
command-chatcolor-gradient: Gradient
command-chatcolor-rainbow: Rainbow
# Ignore Command
command-ignore-description: Stop seeing a player's messages
command-ignore-ignored: '&eYou are now ignoring &b%player%&e.'
command-ignore-unignored: '&eYou are no longer ignoring &b%player%&e.'
command-ignore-cannot-ignore: '&cYou cannot ignore this player!'
# Ignorelist Command
command-ignorelist-description: Show who you are ignoring
command-ignorelist-title: '&eYou are ignoring %amount% players:'
command-ignorelist-color: '&e'
command-ignorelist-separator: '&7, &e'
# Message Command
command-message-description: Private message a player
# Mute Command
command-mute-description: Mute a player
command-mute-success: '&eYou have muted &b%player% &efor &b%time% &b%scale%&e.'
command-mute-indefinite: '&eYou have muted &b%player% &efor an indefinite amount of time.'
command-mute-muted: '&eYou have been muted.'
command-mute-cannot-be-muted: '&cYou cannot mute this player!'
command-mute-cannot-send: '&cYou can not send a message while you are muted!'
command-mute-unmuted: '&eYou are no longer muted.'
command-mute-scale-required: '&cPlease provide a timescale!'
command-mute-second: second
command-mute-seconds: seconds
command-mute-minute: minute
command-mute-minutes: minutes
command-mute-hour: hour
command-mute-hours: hours
command-mute-day: day
command-mute-days: days
command-mute-month: month
command-mute-months: months
command-mute-year: year
command-mute-years: years
# Nick Color Command
command-nickcolor-description: Change your nickname color
command-nickcolor-success: '&eYour new nickname is: &f%name%&e.'
command-nickcolor-removed: '&eYour nickname color has been removed.'
command-nickcolor-player: '&eYou have set &b%player%&e''s nickname to &f%name%&e.'
command-nickcolor-removed-player: '&eYou have removed &b%player%&e''s nickname color.'
# Nickname Command
command-nickname-description: Change your display name
command-nickname-success: '&eYour new nickname is: &f%name%&e.'
command-nickname-player: '&b%player%&e''s new nickname is: &f%name%&e.'
command-nickname-too-short: '&cThis nickname is too short!'
command-nickname-too-long: '&cThis nickname is too long!'
command-nickname-not-allowed: '&cThis nickname is not allowed!'
command-nickname-colors-only: '&cYou can only use colors in your nickname!'
command-nickname-taken: '&cThis name is already taken!'
# Realname Command
command-realname-description: View a player's real name
command-realname-success: '&b%name%&e''s real name is: &b%player%&e.'
# Reply Command
command-reply-description: Reply to a message from a player
command-reply-no-one: '&cThere is no one to reply to...'
# SocialSpy Command
command-socialspy-description: Toggles the ability to see private messages
command-socialspy-enabled: '&eYou have &aenabled &b%type% &espy.'
command-socialspy-disabled: '&eYou have &cdisabled &b%type% &espy.'
command-socialspy-message: message
command-socialspy-channel: channel
command-socialspy-group: group
command-socialspy-all: message, channel, and group
# ToggleEmoji Command
command-toggleemoji-description: Toggles formatting emojis
command-toggleemoji-enabled: '&eYou have &aenabled &eformatting emojis.'
command-toggleemoji-disabled: '&eYou have &cdisabled &eformatting messages.'
# ToggleMessage Command
command-togglemessage-description: Toggles receiving messages
command-togglemessage-enabled: '&eYou have &aenabled &ereceiving messages.'
command-togglemessage-disabled: '&eYou have &cdisabled &ereceiving messages.'
command-togglemessage-cannot-message: '&cYou cannot message this player!'
# ToggleSound Command
command-togglesound-description: Toggles message and tag sounds
command-togglesound-enabled: '&eYou have &aenabled &esounds when receiving &b%type%&e.'
command-togglesound-disabled: '&eYou have &cdisabled &esounds when receiving &b%type%&e.'
command-togglesound-messages: messages
command-togglesound-tags: tags
command-togglesound-all: all
# Unmute Command
command-unmute-description: Removes a player's mute
command-unmute-success: '&b%player% &eis no longer muted.'
# Chat Help Command
command-chat-help-list-description: '&8 - &c/%cmd% %subcmd% &7- %desc%'
command-chat-help-list-description-no-args: '&8 - &c/%cmd% %subcmd% &7- %desc%'
# Chat Clear Command
command-chat-clear-description: Clears the chat channel
command-chat-clear-cleared: '&eThe &b%channel% &echannel has been cleared.'
# Chat Info Command
command-chat-info-description: View information about a chat channel
command-chat-info-title: '&7[&c%id% Info&7]'
command-chat-info-format: '&7| &eDefault: &b%default% &7| &eMuted: &b%muted% &7| &eCommands: &c%commands% &7| &eWorlds: &a%worlds% &7| &eJoinable: &b%joinable% &7| &eDiscord: &b%discord% &7| &eMembers: &b%players% &7| &eServers: &b%servers%'
command-chat-info-true: 'true'
command-chat-info-false: 'false'
command-chat-info-none: None
# Chat Move Command
command-chat-move-description: Move a player to the selected channel
command-chat-move-success: '&b%player% &ehas been moved to &b%channel%&e.'
command-chat-move-moved: '&eYou have been moved to the &b%channel% &echannel.'
# Chat Mute Command
command-chat-mute-description: Mutes a chat channel
command-chat-mute-muted: '&eThe &b%channel% &echannel has been muted.'
command-chat-mute-unmuted: '&eThe &b%channel% &echannel has been unmuted.'
channel-muted: '&cYou cannot send a message while this channel is muted.'
# Chat Sudo Command
command-chat-sudo-description: Send a chat message as another player
# Chat Toggle Command
command-chat-toggle-description: Toggles seeing a channel
command-chat-toggle-on: '&eYou will now see the &b%channel% &echannel.'
command-chat-toggle-off: '&eYou will no longer see the &b%channel% &echannel.'
# Chat Slowmode Command
command-chat-slowmode-description: Enables slowmode for a channel
command-chat-slowmode-on: '&eA &b%speed%s &eslow mode has been enabled in &b%channel%&e.'
command-chat-slowmode-off: '&eSlow mode has been disabled in &b%channel%&e.'
# Generic Group Chat Messages
gc-limit: '&cYou cannot join any more group chats!'
gc-no-invites: '&cYou have no group invites :('
gc-not-invited: '&cThis group has not invited you!'
no-gc: '&cYou do not own a group chat!'
gc-invalid: '&cYou are not in this group chat!'
gc-does-not-exist: '&cThis group chat does not exist!'
# Group Chat Help Command
command-gc-help-list-description: '&8 - &b/%cmd% %subcmd% &7- %desc%'
command-gc-help-list-description-no-args: '&8 - &b/%cmd% %subcmd% &7- %desc%'
# Group Chat Accept Command
command-gc-accept-description: Accepts a group chat invite
command-gc-accept-success: '&eYou have joined the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-accept-accepted: '&b%player% &ehas joined the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-accept-hover: '&eClick to Accept the Invite'
command-gc-accept-accept: '&a&lAccept'
# Group Chat Create Command
command-gc-create-description: Creates a new group chat
command-gc-create-success: '&eYou have created a new group chat called &b%name%&e. Use &b/gc invite &eto invite a player.'
command-gc-create-fail: '&cYou already own a group chat!'
command-gc-already-exists: '&cA group chat with this name already exists!'
# Group Chat Deny Command
command-gc-deny-description: Denies a group chat invite
command-gc-deny-success: '&eYou have denied &b%name%&e''s invite.'
command-gc-deny-denied: '&b%player% &edenied your group chat invite.'
command-gc-deny-hover: '&cClick to Deny the Invite'
command-gc-deny-deny: '&c&lDeny'
# Group Chat Disband Command
command-gc-disband-description: Deletes your group chat
command-gc-disband-success: '&eThe &b%name% &egroup chat you were in has been disbanded...'
command-gc-disband-admin: '&eYou disbanded the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
# Group Chat Info Command
command-gc-info-description: View information about a group chat
command-gc-info-title: '&7[&b%group% &bInfo&7]'
command-gc-info-format: '&eID: &b%id% &7| &eOwner: &b%owner% &7| &eMembers: &b%members%'
# Group Chat Invite Command
command-gc-invite-description: Invites a player to your group chat
command-gc-invite-full: '&cYour group chat already has 128 members!'
command-gc-invite-success: '&eYou have invited &b%player% &eto the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-invite-invited: '&b%player% &ehas invited you to the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-invite-member: '&cThis player is already in the group!'
# Group Chat Kick Command
command-gc-kick-description: Kicks a player from your group chat
command-gc-kick-success: '&b%player% &ehas been kicked from the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-kick-kicked: '&eYou have been kicked from the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-invalid-player: '&cThis player is not in your group chat!'
command-gc-kick-self: '&cYou cannot kick yourself!'
# Group Chat Leave Command
command-gc-leave-description: Removes you from a group chat
command-gc-leave-success: '&eYou have left the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-leave-left: '&b%player% &ehas left the &b%name% &egroup chat.'
command-gc-leave-own: '&cYou cannot leave your own group chat! Use &b/gc disband &cto delete your group chat.'
# Group Chat List Command
command-gc-list-description: View a list of all group chats
command-gc-list-title: '&7[&bGroups&7]'
command-gc-list-format: '&8- &8[&b%group%&8] &eID: &b%id%'
command-gc-list-more: '&eUse &b/gc info <group> &efor more information.'
# Group Chat Members Command
command-gc-members-description: Lists the members of the group chat
command-gc-members-title: '&8[&b%name% &bMembers&8]'
command-gc-members-owner: '&e- &e:star: &b%player%'
command-gc-members-member: '&e- &b%player%'
# Group Chat Message Command
command-gcm-description: Sends a message in a group chat.
# Group Chat Rename Command
command-gc-rename-description: Rename your group chat
command-gc-rename-success: '&eYou group chat is now called &b%name%&e.'
# Group Chat Promote Command
command-gc-promote-description: Promote a group member to owner
command-gc-promote-already-owner: '&cYou are already the owner of this group chat!'
command-gc-promote-success: '&b%player% &eis now the owner of &b%name%&e!'
command-gc-promote-promoted: '&eYou are now the owner of &b%name%&e!'