This tool is part of the NavSys suite.
Its goal is to generate a Navigation Database for the navigation system to be queried.
From the database, the navigation system shall be able to extract all the info needed to accurately plan and navigate a path around the Earth.
the basic functions of this tool are
- Acquire the info hold by Arinc 424 files
- Browse those data to let the user inspect the data before final processing
- Transfer those information into a single, specialized file for the NavSys to query
Launch this tool from the terminal, passing as argument a .ini
file containg settings (see examples).
The Tool will begin reading all files contained in a specified folder.
At the end of the loading phase, the tool allows the user to enter a search key.
./bin/NavDbDebug.bin ./Settings/Default.ini
The Search key must be Upper case (all strings in Db are Uppercase). The Tool will search the Db for any point which ICAO code mach exactly the search key.
When the search is completed, the user is presented with a brief list of the search result. To get a more detailed look of one of the search results, type "#" followed by the number of the search result to inspect
The Tool can report 10 element of a given list (VHF,APT, NDB or WPT) when prompted with a #XXX/NNN
prompt, where XXX is a three chars command such as VHF, NDB or APT and NNN is a number telling the tool where to start fetching results. Examples:
In a similar fashion as the by-index search, the tool can also use a name to produce a list starting from the closest match of a given search key.
The command must be given as #XXX-SSS
whenre XXX is the type of list (VHF, NDB, AP or WPT) ans SSS is the starting name. Examples:
Just type QUITNOW
at any time to close the generation tool.