The original module @rotorsoft/firestore-event-store was a proof of concept, just trying to figure out if a low cost cloud based serverless platform could support a number of PWA apps. This is a fork at version 3.1.1, and the new goal is to try other major cloud platforms: Azure (CosmosDB store), AWS (DynamoDB store), MongoDB Atlas, etc.
The right mix of Serverless, DDD, Event Sourcing, and CQRS is probably the best approach to most business oriented software developmet today. This module follows the CQRS pattern proposed by Greg Young around 2010. The Architecture section depicts the logical architecture using the colors of Event Storming, a methodology invented by Alberto Brandolini in the context of DDD.
One of the great advantages of Event Sourcing is having a "replayable history". With proper instrumentation you can easily solve problems like:
- Testing the application at any point in time
- Integrating to other systems by just resending events to a new handler
- Recreating or creating new projections when requirements change
- Keeping documentation in sync with the source code - Self documenting code
The current model supports multiple tenants where actors can carry multiple roles.
Users should adapt their apps to the event delivery mechanisms supported by their cloud provider of choice. The Event Reader interface can be implemented as an optional tool to process ordered events from the store.
Each cloud provider will require some specific settings to secure and/or index the store.
"indexes": [
"collectionGroup": "events",
"queryScope": "COLLECTION",
"fields": [
{ "fieldPath": "aid", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
{ "fieldPath": "id", "mode": "ASCENDING" }
"fieldOverrides": []
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
// only via admin api
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
// only authenticated users can read tenant document
match /tenants/{tenant} {
allow read: if request.auth != null && request.auth.token != null && request.auth.token.tenant == tenant;
// only authenticated users can read snapshots
match /tenants/{tenant}/{snapshots}/{snapshot} {
allow read: if request.auth != null && request.auth.token != null && request.auth.token.tenant == tenant;
Command Query Resposibility Segregation Reference Architecture
npm install @rotorsoft/event-store
A trivial aggregate and event handler using Firestore:
const firebase = require('firebase')
const { FirestoreEventStore, CommandHandler, StreamReader, Actor, Aggregate, IEventHandler, Err } = require('@rotorsoft/event-store')
const EVENTS = {
NumbersAdded: 'NumbersAdded',
NumbersSubtracted: 'NumbersSubtracted'
class Calculator extends Aggregate {
constructor () {
this.sum = 0
static get path () { return '/calculators' }
get commands () {
return {
AddNumbers: async context => {
if (!Number.isInteger(context.payload.number1)) throw Err.invalidArgument('number1')
if (!Number.isInteger(context.payload.number2)) throw Err.invalidArgument('number2')
SubtractNumbers: async context => {
if (!Number.isInteger(context.payload.number1)) throw Err.invalidArgument('number1')
if (!Number.isInteger(context.payload.number2)) throw Err.invalidArgument('number2')
get events () {
return {
[EVENTS.NumbersAdded]: event => {
this.sum += (event.payload.number1 + event.payload.number2)
[EVENTS.NumbersSubtracted]: event => {
this.sum -= (event.payload.number1 + event.payload.number2)
class EventCounter extends IEventHandler {
constructor(db) {
this.db = db
async count () {
const path = '/counters/counter1'
let snap = await this.db.doc(path).get()
let doc = snap.data() || {}
doc.eventCount = (doc.eventCount || 0) + 1
return await this.db.doc(path).set(doc)
get events () {
return {
[EVENTS.NumbersAdded]: async (tenant, event) => {
return await this.count()
[EVENTS.NumbersSubtracted]: async (tenant, event) => {
return await this.count()
const store = new FirestoreEventStore(firebase.firestore())
const ch = new CommandHandler(store, [Calculator])
const sr = new StreamReader(store)
let actor = new Actor({ id: 'user1', name: 'actor 1', tenant: 'tenant1', roles: ['manager', 'user'] })
let context = await ch.command(actor, 'AddNumbers', { number1: 1, number2: 2, aggregateId: 'calc1' })
context = await ch.command(actor, 'AddNumbers', { number1: 3, number2: 4, aggregateId: context.aggregateId, expectedVersion: context.aggregate.aggregateVersion })
context = await ch.command(actor, 'SubtractNumbers', { aggregateId: 'calc1', number1: 1, number2: 1 })
await sr.poll('tenant1', 'thread1', [new EventCounter(firestore)])
console.log('calculator', context.aggregate)
Let's now pretend that we need to build a real basic calculator and store every single key pressed in a ledger for audit purposes. The calculator aggregate might look like this:
'use strict'
const { Aggregate, Err } = require('@rotorsoft/event-store')
const OPERATORS = {
['+']: (l, r) => l + r,
['-']: (l, r) => l - r,
['*']: (l, r) => l * r,
['/']: (l, r) => l / r
const EVENTS = {
DigitPressed: 'DigitPressed',
DotPressed: 'DotPressed',
OperatorPressed: 'OperatorPressed',
EqualsPressed: 'EqualsPressed'
module.exports = class Calculator extends Aggregate {
constructor () {
this.left = '0'
this.result = 0
get commands () {
return {
PressDigit: async context => {
if (context.payload.digit < '0' || context.payload.digit > '9') throw Err.invalidArgument('digit')
PressDot: async context => {
PressOperator: async context => {
if (!Object.keys(OPERATORS).includes(context.payload.operator)) throw Err.invalidArgument('operator')
PressEquals: async context => {
get events () {
return {
[EVENTS.DigitPressed]: event => {
if (this.operator) {
this.right = (this.right || '').concat(event.payload.digit)
else this.left = (this.left || '').concat(event.payload.digit)
[EVENTS.DotPressed]: event => {
if (this.operator) {
this.right = (this.right || '').concat('.')
else this.left = (this.left || '').concat('.')
[EVENTS.OperatorPressed]: event => {
if (this.operator) this.compute()
this.operator = event.payload.operator
this.right = null
[EVENTS.EqualsPressed]: event => {
compute () {
if (!this.left) throw Err.precondition('missing left side')
if (!this.right) throw Err.precondition('missing right side')
if (!this.operator) throw Err.precondition('missing operator')
const l = Number.parseFloat(this.left)
const r = Number.parseFloat(this.right)
this.result = OPERATORS[this.operator](l, r)
this.left = this.result.toString()
And we can unit test it with chai:
'use strict'
const firebase = require('firebase')
const { FirestoreEventStore, CommandHandler, StreamReader, Actor, Aggregate, IEventHandler, Err } = require('@rotorsoft/event-store')
const Calculator = require('./calculator')
const actor1 = new Actor({ id: 'user1', name: 'user1', tenant: 'tenant1', roles: [] })
class ConsoleTracer extends ITracer {
constructor () {
this.stats = {}
trace (fn) {
const { method, context, events, ...args } = fn()
if (method && events) {
for (let event of events) {
const key = event.command + '-' + event.name
const s = this.stats[method] || {}
const t = s[context.aggregateType.name] || {}
const e = t[key] || {}
e.time = e.time || Date.now()
e.count = (e.count || 0) + 1
t[key] = e
s[context.aggregateType.name] = t
this.stats[method] = s
const store = new FirestoreEventStore(firebase.firestore())
const ch = new CommandHandler(store, [Calculator], new ConsoleTracer())
describe('Calculator basic operations', () => {
async function c (calc, command, payload) {
return await ch.command(actor1, command, Object.assign(payload, { aggregateId: calc.aggregateId, expectedVersion: calc.aggregateVersion }))
it('should compute 1+2-3*5=0', async () => {
let ctx
ctx = await ch.command(actor1, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1', aggregateId: 'c1' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '+' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '-' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '*' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '5' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
it('should compute 4*4+21-16*3=63', async () => {
let ctx
ctx = await ch.command(actor1, 'PressDigit', { digit: '4', aggregateId: 'c2' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '*' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '4' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '+' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '-' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '6' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '*' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
it('should compute 4*4+21-16*3===567', async () => {
let ctx
ctx = await ch.command(actor1, 'PressDigit', { digit: '4', aggregateId: 'c3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '*' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '4' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '+' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '-' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '6' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '*' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
it('should compute 1.5+2.0-11.22+.33=-7.39', async () => {
let ctx
ctx = await ch.command(actor1, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1', aggregateId: 'c4' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDot', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '5'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '+' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDot', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '0'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '-' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '1'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDot', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '+' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDot', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
it('should compute 5.23/.33*2=31.6969696969697', async () => {
let ctx
ctx = await ch.command(actor1, 'PressDigit', { digit: '5', aggregateId: 'c5' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDot', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '/' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDot', {})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '3' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressOperator', { operator: '*' })
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressDigit', { digit: '2'})
ctx = await c(ctx.aggregate, 'PressEquals', {})
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.