This is the repository of an angular2 course written by Brecht Billiet. You can check the course at The backend of this application is available on
git clone [email protected]/brechtbilliet/winecellar.git
cd winecellar
npm install
npm start --apikey=<> --backendenv=http://localhost:3000/api
npm run build --apikey=<> --backendenv=http://localhost:3000/api
npm run deploy --apikey=<> --backendenv=http://localhost:3000/api
- Angular2
- Webpack
- Typescript
- Rxjs
- @ngrx/store
- redux architecture
- Build an angular2 application with webpack
- fully tested with Jasmine
- sass support
- Typescript support
- ES6 modules support
- Wallaby.js support
- Optimized build package
- Minimal and straightforward setup
- Watches code and refreshes browser with latest changes automatically