Copyright (C) 2020-2021 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file LICENSE for more information.
Spring-based module that provides API for quickMARC - in-app editor for MARC records in SRS.
quickMARC API provides the following URLs:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
GET | /records-editor/records?externalId={externalId} | records-editor.records.item.get | Retrieves QuickMarc by external id |
POST | /records-editor/records | | Create a new MARC and Instance records |
PUT | /records-editor/records/{recordId} | records-editor.records.item.get | Updates SRS record |
GET | /records-editor/records/status?qmRecordId={qmRecordId} | records-editor.records.status.item.get | Retrieves status of MARC bibliographic record creation |
More detail can be found on quickMARC wiki-page: WIKI quickMARC.
Institutional users should be granted the following permissions in order to use this quickMARC API:
See project MODQM at the FOLIO issue tracker.
Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at