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WIP: IRIS in configuration space
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RussTedrake committed Jul 25, 2021
1 parent 00dd82b commit 2db5760
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Showing 5 changed files with 558 additions and 21 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions geometry/optimization/BUILD.bazel
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ drake_cc_library(
deps = [

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251 changes: 233 additions & 18 deletions geometry/optimization/
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@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
#include "drake/geometry/optimization/iris.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "drake/geometry/optimization/convex_set.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/solvers/ibex_solver.h"
#include "drake/solvers/snopt_solver.h"

namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
namespace optimization {

using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::Ref;
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using symbolic::Expression;

HPolyhedron Iris(const ConvexSets& obstacles, const Ref<const VectorXd>& sample,
const HPolyhedron& domain, const IrisOptions& options) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,43 +113,47 @@ class IrisConvexSetMaker final : public ShapeReifier {
std::optional<FrameId> reference_frame)
: query_{query}, reference_frame_{reference_frame} {};

void set_reference_frame(const FrameId& reference_frame) {
*reference_frame_ = reference_frame;

void set_geometry_id(const GeometryId& geom_id) { geom_id_ = geom_id; }

using ShapeReifier::ImplementGeometry;

void ImplementGeometry(const Sphere&, void* data) {
GeometryId& geom_id = *static_cast<GeometryId*>(data);
std::make_unique<Hyperellipsoid>(query_, geom_id, reference_frame_));
auto& set = *static_cast<copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet>*>(data);
set = std::make_unique<Hyperellipsoid>(query_, geom_id_, reference_frame_);

void ImplementGeometry(const HalfSpace&, void* data) {
GeometryId& geom_id = *static_cast<GeometryId*>(data);
std::make_unique<HPolyhedron>(query_, geom_id, reference_frame_));
auto& set = *static_cast<copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet>*>(data);
set = std::make_unique<HPolyhedron>(query_, geom_id_, reference_frame_);

void ImplementGeometry(const Box&, void* data) {
GeometryId& geom_id = *static_cast<GeometryId*>(data);
auto& set = *static_cast<copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet>*>(data);
// Note: We choose HPolyhedron over VPolytope here, but the IRIS paper
// discusses a significant performance improvement using a "least-distance
// programming" instance from CVXGEN that exploited the VPolytope
// representation. So we may wish to revisit this.
std::make_unique<HPolyhedron>(query_, geom_id, reference_frame_));
set = std::make_unique<HPolyhedron>(query_, geom_id_, reference_frame_);

void ImplementGeometry(const Ellipsoid&, void* data) {
GeometryId& geom_id = *static_cast<GeometryId*>(data);
std::make_unique<Hyperellipsoid>(query_, geom_id, reference_frame_));
auto& set = *static_cast<copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet>*>(data);
set = std::make_unique<Hyperellipsoid>(query_, geom_id_, reference_frame_);

// This must be called last; it transfers ownership.
ConvexSets claim_sets() { return std::move(sets_); }

const QueryObject<double>& query_{};
std::optional<FrameId> reference_frame_{};
ConvexSets sets_{};
GeometryId geom_id_{};

} // namespace
Expand All @@ -153,12 +164,216 @@ ConvexSets MakeIrisObstacles(const QueryObject<double>& query_object,
const GeometrySet all_ids(inspector.GetAllGeometryIds());
const std::unordered_set<GeometryId> geom_ids =
inspector.GetGeometryIds(all_ids, Role::kProximity);
ConvexSets sets(geom_ids.size());

IrisConvexSetMaker maker(query_object, reference_frame);
int count = 0;
for (GeometryId geom_id : geom_ids) {
inspector.GetShape(geom_id).Reify(&maker, &geom_id);
inspector.GetShape(geom_id).Reify(&maker, &sets[count++]);
return sets;

namespace {

// Solves the optimization
// min_q (q-d)*CᵀC(q-d)
// s.t. setA on bodyA and setB on bodyB are in collision in q.
// Aq ≤ b.
// where C, d are the center and matrix from the hyperellipsoid E.
// Returns true iff a collision is found.
// Sets `closest` to an optimizing solution q*, if a solution is found.
bool FindClosestCollision(const multibody::MultibodyPlant<Expression>& plant,
const multibody::Body<Expression>& bodyA,
const multibody::Body<Expression>& bodyB,
const ConvexSet& setA, const ConvexSet& setB,
const Hyperellipsoid& E,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& b,
const solvers::SolverBase& solver,
systems::Context<Expression>* context,
VectorXd* closest) {
solvers::MathematicalProgram prog;
auto q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(plant.num_positions(), "q");

A, VectorXd::Constant(b.size(), -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()),
b, q);
// Scale the objective so the eigenvalues are close to 1, using
// scale*lambda_min = 1/scale*lambda_max.
const MatrixXd Asq = E.A().transpose() * E.A();
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> es(Asq);
const double scale = 1.0 / std::sqrt(es.eigenvalues().maxCoeff() *
prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(scale * Asq,, q);

auto p_AA = prog.NewContinuousVariables<3>("p_AA");
auto p_BB = prog.NewContinuousVariables<3>("p_BB");
setA.AddPointInSetConstraints(&prog, p_AA);
setB.AddPointInSetConstraints(&prog, p_BB);

plant.SetPositions(context, q);
const math::RigidTransform<Expression> X_WA =
plant.EvalBodyPoseInWorld(*context, bodyA);
const math::RigidTransform<Expression> X_WB =
plant.EvalBodyPoseInWorld(*context, bodyB);
prog.AddConstraint(X_WA * p_AA.cast<Expression>() ==
X_WB * p_BB.cast<Expression>());

// Help nonlinear optimizers (e.g. SNOPT) avoid trivial local minima at the
// origin.
prog.SetSolverOption(solvers::SnoptSolver::id(), "Print file",
prog.SetInitialGuess(q, VectorXd::Constant(plant.num_positions(), .01));
prog.SetInitialGuess(p_AA, Vector3d::Constant(.01));
prog.SetInitialGuess(p_BB, Vector3d::Constant(.01));
for (const auto binding : prog.lorentz_cone_constraints()) {
const auto c = binding.evaluator();
c->A_dense(), c->b(),

solvers::MathematicalProgramResult result = solver.Solve(prog);
if (result.is_success()) {
*closest = result.GetSolution(q);
return true;
std::cout << prog << std::endl;
return false;

} // namespace

HPolyhedron IrisInConfigurationSpace(
const multibody::MultibodyPlant<Expression>& plant,
const QueryObject<double>& query_object,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& sample,
const IrisOptions& options) {
const int nq = plant.num_positions();
DRAKE_DEMAND(sample.size() == nq);

// Note: We require finite joint limits to define the bounding box for the
// IRIS algorithm.
HPolyhedron P = HPolyhedron::MakeBox(plant.GetPositionLowerLimits(),
DRAKE_DEMAND(P.A().rows() == 2 * nq);

const double kEpsilonEllipsoid = 1e-2;
Hyperellipsoid E = Hyperellipsoid::MakeHypersphere(kEpsilonEllipsoid, sample);

const SceneGraphInspector<double>& inspector = query_object.inspector();

// Make all of the convex sets. TODO(russt): Consider factoring this out so
// that I don't have to redo the work for every new region.
IrisConvexSetMaker maker(query_object, inspector.world_frame_id());
std::unordered_map<GeometryId, copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet>> sets{};
std::unordered_map<GeometryId, const multibody::Body<Expression>&> bodies{};
const std::unordered_set<GeometryId> geom_ids = inspector.GetGeometryIds(
GeometrySet(inspector.GetAllGeometryIds()), Role::kProximity);
copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet> temp_set;
for (GeometryId geom_id : geom_ids) {
// Make all sets in the local geometry frame.
FrameId frame_id = inspector.GetFrameId(geom_id);
inspector.GetShape(geom_id).Reify(&maker, &temp_set);
sets.emplace(geom_id, std::move(temp_set));
bodies.emplace(geom_id, *plant.GetBodyFromFrameId(frame_id));

// TODO(russt): As a surrogate for the true objective, we could use convex
// optimization to compute the (squared?) distance between each collision pair
// from the sample point configuration, then sort the pairs by that distance.
// This could improve computation times in Ibex here and produce regions with
// less faces.
auto pairs = inspector.GetCollisionCandidates();
const int N = static_cast<int>(pairs.size());

// On each iteration, we will build the collision-free polytope represented as
// {x | A * x <= b}. Here we pre-allocate matrices with a generous maximum
// size.
Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> A(
P.A().rows() + 2*N, nq);
VectorXd b(P.A().rows() + 2*N);
A.topRows(P.A().rows()) = P.A();
b.head(P.A().rows()) = P.b();

double best_volume = E.Volume();
int iteration = 0;
MatrixXd tangent_matrix;

//solvers::IbexSolver solver;
solvers::SnoptSolver solver;
DRAKE_DEMAND(solver.is_available() && solver.is_enabled());
auto context = plant.CreateDefaultContext();
VectorXd closest(nq);

while (true) {
tangent_matrix = 2.0 * E.A().transpose() * E.A();
int num_constraints = 2 * nq; // Start with just the joint limits.
// Find separating hyperplanes
for (const auto [geomA, geomB] : pairs) {
while (true) {
const bool collision = FindClosestCollision(
plant,,, *,
*, E, A.topRows(num_constraints),
b.head(num_constraints), solver, context.get(), &closest);
std::cout << "geomA=" << inspector.GetName(geomA)
<< ", geomB=" << inspector.GetName(geomB);
if (collision) {
std::cout << ", closest=" << closest.transpose() << std::endl;
// Add the tangent to the (scaled) ellipsoid at this point as a
// constraint.
if (num_constraints >= A.rows()) {
// Increase pre-allocated polytope size.
A.conservativeResize(A.rows() + N, nq);
b.conservativeResize(b.rows() + N);

A.row(num_constraints) =
(tangent_matrix * (closest -;
b[num_constraints] = A.row(num_constraints) * closest -
std::cout << " "
<< A.row(num_constraints) *
symbolic::MakeVectorVariable(nq, "q")
<< "" << b[num_constraints] << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << ". No collisions." << std::endl;

if (options.require_sample_point_is_contained &&
((A.topRows(num_constraints) * sample).array() >=
.any()) {
P = HPolyhedron(A.topRows(num_constraints), b.head(num_constraints));

if (iteration >= options.iteration_limit) {

E = P.MaximumVolumeInscribedEllipsoid();
const double volume = E.Volume();
if (volume - best_volume <= options.termination_threshold) {
best_volume = volume;
return maker.claim_sets();
return P;

} // namespace optimization
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions geometry/optimization/iris.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
#include <optional>
#include <vector>

#include "drake/common/symbolic.h"
#include "drake/geometry/optimization/convex_set.h"
#include "drake/geometry/optimization/hpolyhedron.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"

namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
Expand All @@ -32,6 +34,12 @@ struct IrisOptions {
/** IRIS will terminate if the change in the *volume* of the hyperellipsoid
between iterations is less that this threshold. */
double termination_threshold{2e-2}; // from rdeits/iris-distro.

/** For IRIS in configuration space, we retreat by this margin from each
C-space obstacle in order to avoid the possibility of requiring an infinite
number of faces to approximate a curved boundary. TODO: clarify the units.
double configuration_space_margin{1e-2};

/** The IRIS (Iterative Region Inflation by Semidefinite programming) algorithm,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +93,14 @@ ConvexSets MakeIrisObstacles(
const QueryObject<double>& query_object,
std::optional<FrameId> reference_frame = std::nullopt);

// TODO(russt): Pass a context of the plant if/when we support setting kinematic
// parameters.
HPolyhedron IrisInConfigurationSpace(
const multibody::MultibodyPlant<symbolic::Expression>& plant,
const QueryObject<double>& query_object,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& sample,
const IrisOptions& options = IrisOptions());

} // namespace optimization
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake

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